
  • 网络Circulation rate;flow rate;flux rates;rate of circulation
  1. 不同栽植密度,使得草种对光照条件、CO2流通率以及单位植株营养面积表现出巨大差异,导致形成的生物量也不尽同。

    The differences in light conditions , CO_2 exchanging rates and nutritive area per plant in these two grasses by planting density treatment would not be the same as usual .

  2. 图书饱和流通率与流通统计分析

    An Analysis of Book Saturation Circulating Rate and Book Circulating Statistics

  3. 提高高校图书流通率刍议

    The Approach of Raising the Circulating Rate in College Libraries

  4. 通过自适应定量分析,确定压力梯度对流通率S的影响。

    Through adaptive analysis , make sure the relation between pressure gradient and fluidity S.

  5. 结果表明所建议机制具有低实现复杂度、低反馈带宽开销和高数据流通率等优点。

    The results show good performance , low realization complexity and low feedback overhead .

  6. 提高图书流通率的几点思考

    Thoughts on Raising the Rate of Library Circulation

  7. 键入输入口的流通率。

    Enter the flow rate of the inlet .

  8. 提高图书流通率的探索与实践

    Exploration and Practice on Improving Book Circulation

  9. 如果流通率较高,则表示未能有效地使用缓存。

    If the turnover rate is high , the cache is not being used efficiently .

  10. 图书流通率是衡量图书馆藏书质量与服务质量的重要指标,而影响图书流通的因素很多。

    Book circulation rate is the important indicator that measures the quality of library collections and services , and there are many factors influenced it .

  11. 提出了图书饱和流通率的概念,讨论了饱和流通率的确定方法与计算公式。

    This article puts forward a new conception , namely book saturation circulating rate , the discusses the definite calculation and the expressions of the saturation circulating rate .

  12. 主要讲述了电子注在周期永磁聚焦系统中的运动和磁场选择不当时电子注的脉动情况以及电子注流通率与磁场强度的关系。

    The movement of electron injection in the periodic focusing system using permanent magnet and the pulsation of electron injection when the magnetic intensity was unfit , and the relationship between the transmittance of electron beam and the magnet intensity were studied .

  13. 该产品在投入批量生产以后,其流通合格率(RTY&RolledThroughputYield)长时间徘徊在低水平,远低于产品设计目标。

    After the product was put into mass production , the Rolled Throughput Yield was hovering at low levels for a long time , much lower than the design target .

  14. 而造成该产品流通合格率低的主要原因之一是发生在硬盘装配过程中的磁盘偏心问题。

    One of the main reasons caused the low Rolled Throughput Yield was the drive eccentricity failure which occurred in hard disk assembly process .

  15. 影响农产品流通费用率的因素主要有交易关系、基础设施、组织化程度。

    The main factors to affect the rate of the circulation costs to agricultural products are trade relationships , infrastructure , the degree of organization .

  16. 网络特征和网络强度对农产品流通费用率也存在一定的影响,但没有前三个因素影响力度大。

    Network characteristics and network strength also affect the rate of the circulation costs to agricultural products , but not have the same intensity as the first three factors .

  17. 高职院校图书馆藏书数量较大,但由于受网络环境等多种因素的影响,其利用率―即流通、借阅率往往不高。

    There 's a large amount of collect books in the libraries of high vocational colleges , but they have a very low rate of circulation and operation because of the influence of network .

  18. 根据收入方程式的增长率形式,作为货币政策中间目标的货币供应量增长率,主要取决于经济增长率、物价上涨率和货币流通速度变化率。

    According to the rate of increase form of the equation of the income , money supply rate of increase which as monetary policy intermediate objective mainly is decided by the economic growth rate , rate of price rises and rate of change of speed of the monetary velocity .

  19. 欧元流通区的失业率7月份还是稳定在6.9%。

    The currency zone 's unemployment rate was stable at 6.9 % in July .

  20. 测定基础日粮条件下浏阳黑山羊消化道不同部位的食糜氨基酸和微生物蛋白质氨基酸的流通量和消化率,结合肌肉氨基酸分析数据和山羊生长特点,确定具体的氨基酸灌注剂量。

    Measured chyme amino acids , turnover and digest rate of microbial protein amino acids of different part of nutrient canal in Liuyang black goat , with diet combining analysis data of muscle amino acids and growth characteristic of Liuyang black goat , determined specific amino acids infusing capacity .

  21. 提高高校图书馆流通馆员素质与图书流通率的对策

    The Countermeasures for Improving the Quality of Circulation Librarian and Increasing the Books Circulating Ratio

  22. 分析了目前高校图书馆图书流通存在的问题及其影响因素,提出了提高流通馆员素质的措施和提高图书流通率与利用率的对策。

    This paper analyzes the problems existing in circulation department of university library and the influencing factors , advances some measures for improving the quality of circulation librarians , and advances some countermeasures for increasing the books circulating ratio and utilization ratio .