
  1. 沈阳地区118例男女健康工人最大呼气流速容量曲线测定值

    The measured V-V curve values of healthy workers in Shenyang District

  2. 潮气流速容量曲线测定在毛细支气管炎患儿中的意义

    The Clinical Significance of Detecting Tidal Breathing Flow Volume Curve for Infants with Bronchiolitis

  3. 最大呼气流速&容量曲线测定正常值探讨

    Discussion on the normal standards of maximum expiratory flow-volume curve

  4. 目的通过对240例毛细支气管炎患儿的潮气流速容量曲线的测定,以探讨毛细支气管炎患儿气道阻力的变化规律。

    Objective To explore the variational rule on trachea resistance of infants with bronchiolitis by detecting tidal breathing flow volume curves of240 cases of infants with bronchiolitis .

  5. 134名健康成人最大呼气流速-容量曲线的测定

    Measurements of maximal expiratory flow - volume curves in 134 normal adults

  6. 成都地区260例健康老年人最大呼气流速&容量曲线的测定

    Determination of maximal expiratory flow volume ( mefv ) curves of 260 health old people in Chengdu