
  • 网络Stream;Plumes;flow filament
  1. 流束存在碰撞时,负能性质改变为负耗散性质。

    When the stream is collisional , the negative energy nature changes to negative dissipative nature .

  2. 彩色多普勒(CD)显示收缩期过二尖瓣/三尖瓣五彩相间返流束血流信号。

    Color Doppler ( CD ) showed colorful regurgitation blood signal in mitral valve and / or tricuspid valve during systols period .

  3. 首次结合数字粒子图像测速技术(DPIV)设计了对粉末流束的速度场和浓度场的试验方案,并实际检测了在不同工作状态下的粉末流束的速度场和浓度场。

    DPIV ( Digital Particle Image Velocimetry ) technology was used to observe velocity fields and concentration fields of powder streams .

  4. 强流束包络混沌现象的反演设计反馈控制

    Feedback Control for Chaotic Envelope of High-current Beam Via Back-stepping Design

  5. 二尖瓣反流束的彩色三维超声重建

    Reconstruction of mitral regurgitant flow by 3 D color Doppler imaging

  6. 北京慢正电子强束流束团化系统设计

    Design of a Pulsing System for Beijing Intense Slow Positron Beam

  7. 强流束空间电荷力导致的发射度增长

    Emittance growth induced by space charge forces in an intense beam

  8. 强流束晕-混沌的外部磁场开关控制

    Control of beam halo-chaos via exterior magnetic field switching control

  9. 强流束二极管绝缘子结构设计与实验研究

    Structure design and experimental study of intense beam diode insulator

  10. 利用光学渡越辐射进行强流束诊断

    Research of optical transition radiation on intense electron-beam diagnostics

  11. 一种消色差等时性强流束三磁铁偏转系统

    An achromatic isochronous magnetic deflecting system for intense beam

  12. 单流束无磁式热量表的开发研究

    Development of nonmagnetic heat meter with a single channel

  13. 强流束传输中束晕的形成

    Halo formation of intense beam in periodic transport system

  14. 小波函数反馈法实现对强流束晕混沌的有效控制

    Controlling beam halo-chaos using wavelet function feedback method

  15. 双等离子源强流束特性的研究

    Characteristics of intense beam for a duoplasmatron source

  16. 心动图返流束特征提取及表示方法

    Factor Extraction and Expression of Regurgitation in Echocardiogram

  17. 渡越辐射在强流束诊断中的应用。

    Research of OTR on High-current Electron-beam Diagnostics .

  18. 血流会聚区大小与返流束大小评估二尖瓣返流程度的对比研究

    Comparative Study of Flow Convergence Region and Jet Sizes on Evaluation of Mitral Regurgitation

  19. 反流束横断面重建显示出不同病例反流束的横断面形态各不相同。

    The cross-sectional shape of regurgitant jet was different in the different mitral valve disease .

  20. 初步的实验结果表明,光学渡越辐射方法是强流束诊断的一种有效手段。

    The preliminary results show that OTR method is an effective way for intense beam diagnostics .

  21. 关于二平行流束之间层流边界层流动方程式的解

    On the solution of the Boundary Layer Equation for the Laminar Boundary Layer Between Two Parallel Streams

  22. 研究强流束中的非线性共振、混沌与束晕形成的关系。

    The nonlinear resonance , chaos and halo formation in space charge dominated beams have been studied .

  23. 腰-腰传输中强流束包络线方程的近似计算

    An Approximate Calculation Method for the Intense Ion Beam Envelop Equations in the Waist to Waist Transport

  24. 水刀流束具有会严重影响工件精度的特征。

    Bundle of streamline of water cutter has the characteristic of seriously affecting the work piece precision .

  25. 强流束的空间电荷效应是决定加速器束流动力学的基本因素之一,低能强流束中发射度增长的1个主要原因是束流自身的空间电荷力。

    The space charge effect in an intense beam is one of the essential factors determing the beam dynamics .

  26. 指出在外加磁场引入之后,改变了液流束的受力状态和运动行为。

    Afterthe action of the additional longitudinal magnetic field , the forces acting on the LMJand the motion behaviour are changed .

  27. 周期性聚焦结构中强流束的共振与束晕形成

    Compared the actuality of the structure of th Resonances and Halo Formation of Space Charge Dominated Beams in Periodic Focusing Channels

  28. 设计了一种带分流片的双流束基表。心动图返流束特征提取及表示方法

    Designs a new type of double stream basal meter with a deflector . Factor Extraction and Expression of Regurgitation in Echocardiogram

  29. 论文还研究了直线感应加速器加速间隙中尾场的产生、衰减及其对多脉冲强流束传输的影响。

    Decay of wake field generated in LIA accelerating gap and its influence on multi-pulse high-current transportation are analyzed in this paper .

  30. 编写的计算机模拟设计强流束传输系统的程序包含高压型加速器常用的电元件和磁元件。

    The computer simulation program can deal with the electric and magnetic elements , which is usually used in high voltage highcurrent ion accelerators .