
  • 网络commissions;commission income
  1. 不过手续费及佣金收入增长放缓所造成的冲击更加令人担忧。

    More of a concern , though , is the impact of slower growth on fee and commission income .

  2. 然后,笔者对非利息收入概念作了界定,将其细分为手续费及佣金收入、投资收益、汇兑及汇率产品收入和其他业务收入作为本文模型的解释变量。

    Then , this paper defined the concept of non-interest income , and subdivided into fee and commission income , investment income , foreign exchange and foreign exchange products revenue and other operating income as explanatory variables .

  3. 佣金收入前三名的银行是摩根大通(JPMorgan)、摩根士丹利以及美国银行美林,迄今为止每年的佣金收入接近10亿美元。

    The top three for fees are JPMorgan , Morgan Stanley and Bank of America Merrill Lynch , making just under $ 1bn each year to date .

  4. 债券市场承销佣金收入也增长了40%。

    Bond market underwriting fees were also up 40 % .

  5. 在美洲的佣金收入与去年同期持平,但在欧洲和亚洲出现下降。

    They were flat in the Americas , but down in Europe and Asia .

  6. (五)为牟取佣金收入,诱使客户进行不必要的证券买卖;

    Inducing clients to proceed with unnecessary security trading for the sake of earning commissions ;

  7. 将贷款变成投资还有另外一个好处,那就是把利息收入转变为手续费及佣金收入。

    Turning loans into investments also has the added advantage of turning interest income into fee income .

  8. 同时要确保你的投资顾问将所有佣金收入的明细让你知道。

    Also make sure you are given a clear breakdown of all commissions earned by your adviser .

  9. 由于客户变得更加谨慎,客户买卖证券产生的佣金收入跳水。

    Commissions generated when clients buy or sell securities have plunged as customers have grown more cautious .

  10. 但瑞银在美洲明显失利,佣金收入下降了40%。

    But it lost significant ground in the Americas , where its fees fell 40 per cent .

  11. 来自股票和债券资本市场的佣金收入分别下降了15.9%和52.3%。

    Fees earned from equity and debt capital markets fell 15.9 per cent and 52.3 per cent respectively .

  12. 二季度,这家银行的股票承销和交易佣金收入同比分别大增55%和25%。

    Fees from stock market underwriting and trading rose 55 % and 25 % from the same period a year ago .

  13. 总体而言,2015年头3月,投行佣金收入同比下降8%,降至200亿美元。

    In total , investment banking fees fell 8 per cent year-on-year to $ 20bn in the three months to March .

  14. 相较投行佣金收入下降,许多银行的交易业务在该季度出现复苏。

    The drop in investment banking fees contrasts with the trading operations of many banks , which enjoyed a resurgent quarter .

  15. 银行手续费及佣金收入呈现出高于利差收入增长的速度,占银行营业收入比重逐步提高。

    Commissions and fees have shown a faster growth rate than interest margins and now have a more important role in banks'revenues .

  16. 在两种情况下,与大手笔交易相关的融资都有望带来丰厚的佣金收入,提高顾问银行在收入排行榜上的排名。

    In both cases , big deal - related financings promise fee bonanzas that boost the advising banks ' league table positions .

  17. 克鲁斯表示,佣金收入很少,但即便没有报酬,他也会继续经营这个网站。

    Mr Crews says the money from commissions is small , but he would keep running the site even if it were unpaid .

  18. 明年的形式可能会困难一些:尽管银行监管工作和调解纠纷在提供稳定的酬金,我更希望拥有可观的交易佣金收入。

    Next year will be tougher : though bank regulatory work and dispute resolution are providing steady fees , " I 'd much rather have healthy transaction flows . "

  19. 这些银行还将拿出销售上述产品的佣金收入,贡献给一只2亿港元的斗争基金,以支持相关法律行动,为债券持有人争取担保物,使他们有望增加自己得到的赔偿。

    The banks will also contribute their commission earnings from the product sales to a HK $ 200m fighting fund that will support legal efforts to secure collateral for the bondholders , potentially increasing their compensation .

  20. 在整个春天和夏天,塞恩一直主张(既在内部也向投资者和监管机构),美林不同于贝尔斯登,其金融顾问队伍创造的稳定佣金收入将为公司提供保护。

    Throughout the spring and summer , Thain argued internally and to investors and regulators that Merrill was different from bear , that the steady stream of fees generated by its thundering herd would protect it .

  21. 2015年第一季度,富国银行通过承销债券、股票和贷款及并购咨询服务赚取了5.44亿美元的佣金收入,同比上升21.4%。

    It earned $ 544m of fees from underwriting the issue of bonds , equity and loans as well as advising on mergers and acquisitions in the first three months of 2015 , a year-on-year increase of 21.4 per cent .

  22. 对通道式服务在不同阶段建设的项目,佣金收入与运行成本对比分析,验证了在不同阶段通道式服务不同模式的可行性。

    In the project of construction of different stages , the commission income compared with operating the cost and analyzed the pass way type service , has proved in the feasibility of pass way type service different modes of different stages .

  23. 这三年里我的佣金收入增加了不少,所以我们能够前进‘两环’,在谈到自己已搬到四环最终要搬到三环的进步时,她的脸上闪过一丝骄傲。

    I increased my commission income quite a bit over the past three years , so we were able to move twice , she says with a flash of pride , charting her progress to the fourth ring road and , eventually , the third .

  24. 伴随股票市场的持续低迷,券商之间佣金战的持续以及客户交投量的日趋萎缩,作为券商主要收入来源的佣金收入锐减,券商的生存环境日益艰难。

    Accompanied with the continued downturn in the stock market , the war of commission among the brokerages , the declining of the customers trading volume , the sharp drop of the commission as the main incomes of the brokerages , the survival environment of brokerages is becoming worse .

  25. 首先是基于融资融券交易试点一年的交易数据,分析融资融券业务对试点证券公司利息收入、经纪业务佣金收入、中间业务收入带来的积极作用。

    First of all , according to the transaction data about the pilot of margin trading business in the past year since it started , this chapter analyses the positive impacts the margin trading brings to the pilot companies in interest income , brokerage commission income and intermediate business income .

  26. 由于净息差上升及来自费用与佣金的收入增加,银行盈利改善。

    The profitability of banks improved due to higher net interest income and income from fees and commissions .

  27. 优步在多数美国打车市场上占据统治地位,并通过在美国很多市场提高叫车收费和佣金扩大收入。

    Uber is the dominant taxi-booking company in most US markets and has pushed up revenues by increasing its booking fee and its commission in many US markets .

  28. 没有人相信这点:高盛设立标准交易席位旨在通过做市和佣金创造收入,但同时也是为了收集有关主要市场参与者所建头寸情况的情报,而高盛曾利用这些情报进行自己的押注。

    Nobody believed that : the standard Goldman trading desk was designed to generate income from market-making and commissions , but also to garner intelligence about how major market players were positioned-intelligence that Goldman used to place its own bets .

  29. 谷歌对于通过GooglePlay销售的内容抽取一部分佣金,其余收入则归应用程序开发者或内容版权持有人享有。

    Google takes a commission on all sales through Play and gives the rest to app developers or copyright holders .

  30. 两份报告称,在亚太地区,今年是各家投资银行利润最为丰厚的一年,越来越多的股票发行与交易佣金将其收入推至创纪录的水平。

    Investment banks have experienced their most lucrative year in the Asia-Pacific region , according to two reports , with buoyant equity issuance and trading commissions pushing up revenues to record levels .