
  • 网络web;web browsing;web browser;browsing
  1. 随着Internet的快速发展和个人计算机性能的提高,人们不再仅仅满足传统的文字网页浏览、邮件收发、在线聊天等应用。

    With the rapid development of Internet and PC performance improvement , people no longer just satisfied with traditional text web browsing , email transceiver and online chatting application .

  2. 首先研究提出了一个包括网页浏览导航、原始数据抽取、以及数据语义化集成三阶段完整Web信息抽取的过程模型,以及面向复杂应用处理的抽取集成数据模型。

    First of all , we study and propose a complete WIE process model that consists of three stages : Web page navigation process , raw data extraction process and data semantic integration process .

  3. 但是Web上的信息是海量的,仅依靠人工进行网页浏览、观点分析将是一项费时而又低效的工作。

    Only rely on artificial to browse Webpage through and analyze opinions is to be a time-consuming but less effective work .

  4. 用ASP和COM对数据库网页浏览程序的设计

    Design of Page Browse Program for Database Using ASP and COM

  5. 在监测中心站的设计中利用Web网页浏览的形式提供给管理部门及用户实时监测信息,并实现了资源共享。

    In the design of the central monitoring station , realtime monitoring information is provided to the administration section and users in the form of Web page , achieving the aim of resource share .

  6. 用洋葱路由技术所实现的匿名连接是双向的和近乎实时的,可以广泛的应用于VPN、网页浏览、电子邮件等。

    Onion routing 's anonymous connection are bi-directional , near real-time , and can be used in VPN , Web browsing , email , etc.

  7. 匿名社交网络正在快速发展:Whisper每月网页浏览量达25亿次,而Secret则高达35亿;

    It 's clear anonymous social networks are growing quickly : Whisper has drawn 2.5 billion page views a month , while Secret has 3.5 billion page views ;

  8. 最后,实现了利用Winsock替代监控网络的具体应用&监控网页浏览。

    Finally it realizes an application of using Winsock-substitute to monitor the net , i.e. using it to monitor HTTP protocol .

  9. 简单地将网络地址(URL)改成代理服务器,并直接从网页浏览网站(请查看proxy.com的一张列出许多选项的清单)。

    Simply point the Web address ( URL ) to the proxy server and surf right from its website ( check out proxy.org for a list of great options ) .

  10. IPTV机顶盒具备网页浏览、流媒体播放、互动网络游戏、音视频电话等功能。

    IPTV STB should have functions including Web page browsing , streaming media playing , interactive online game playing , making audio or video calls and so on .

  11. 浏览器具备网页浏览、书签管理、页面前进/回退、页面缩放及查找等功能,能够使用如电子邮箱、WebQQ等网络应用程序。

    There are the web browsing , bookmark manager , page forward / back , page zoom and search functions in browser . It can run such as e-mail , Web QQ and other network applications .

  12. 公共终端新增RDCAgent模块,复用公共终端和远程服务器的通道,实现可信设备和远程服务器的信息交互,支持分级信任网页浏览。

    The public terminal is equipped with a RDC Agent module , which multiplexing the connection between the public terminal and the remote server , and it also supports split-trust browsing .

  13. 旨在满足不同用户对通话和多媒体业务的需要,使应用程序网页浏览、Email、多媒体信息传送、信息点播、可视电话、网络下载电影、视频都发挥到淋漓尽致。

    To satisfy different users for calls and multimedia business needs , make application web browsing , Email , multimedia information transmission , information on demand , picture-tel , network video download movies , play to incisively and vividly .

  14. “但是由于NGP有5英寸的OLED屏幕,视频功能是强大的,有些网页浏览和社交网络更容易,”他补充说。

    " But because NGP has the5-inch OLED screen , the video capability is great ; some web-browsing and social networking is easier ," he added .

  15. 它适于传统的Internet应用诸如E-mail、网页浏览或是文件传输,但对于IP电话、多媒体会议、流媒体等需要高带宽、低延迟和延迟抖动的实时应用,仅仅有尽力而为的服务是不够的。

    The best-effort service is adequate for traditional Internet applications like E-mail , web browsing or file transfer but not for the new real-time applications like IP-telephony , multimedia conferencing or audio and video streaming , which require high bandwidth , low delay and low delay jitter .

  16. 特殊浏览器匿名代理软件是一个隐藏你IP地址的绝妙方法,但是却仍有许多关于你的网页浏览习惯的信息存储于你的电脑,这些也可以被网络查看,比如说,在办公室,被你的IT部门(网路技术部门)。

    Anonymous proxy software is a great way to mask your IP address online , but there is still plenty of information about your Web-surfing habits stored on your computer - which could also be viewed over a network , say , at the office , by your IT department .

  17. 追踪网页浏览活动的伦敦初创企业Spider.io估计,来自变色龙(Chameleon)僵尸网络的流量,在某些网站的访问总量中占了近三分之二。

    Spider . io , a London-based start-up that tracks web browsing activity , estimates traffic from the Chameleon botnet accounted for almost two-thirds of the total visits to certain websites .

  18. 结果180d网页浏览378830人次,其中护士369000人次;

    Results Within 180 days , 378 830 person / times browsed the front page and 369 000 person / times were nurses .

  19. 重点讨论了在利用IIS所含的ASP和ADO实现Web数据库访问时,如何明显提高Web数据库的执行效率,有效地节省数据库服务器的存储资源,提高网页浏览速度。

    It discusses how to improve accessing efficiency for the Web database , how to save memory resource for the database server , and how to speed up browsing the pages when the Web database is accessed by making use of ASP and ADO that are contained within the IIS .

  20. 此间不少批评者认为任天堂应为DSi游戏机加入摄像头,音乐播放和网页浏览功能,并应提供游戏下载服务。

    Critics often believe the DSi was meant as a partial response to Apple that would include a camera , a basic music player and a web browser as well as support for downloadable games .

  21. 网页浏览的实时连接通信的实现

    The Realization of Realtime Connecting - Communications for Browsing Pages

  22. 不好意思,你应该看看我的网页浏览记录。

    Excuse me , you might want to check my browser history .

  23. 至于网页浏览,这是超出我的期望。

    As far as web browsing , it is beyond my expectations .

  24. 本站也不会追踪您个人的网页浏览习惯。

    We do not track information about your personal Web browsing habits .

  25. 面向网页浏览的彩色图像质量自动调整策略

    Automatic Improvement of Color Image Quality for Webpage Browsing

  26. 培训人员也不再受时间,地点和人次的约束,只要通过网页浏览形式就可以对仿真的船舶电站进行虚拟操作。

    Training of personnel is not longer constrained by time , place and person-times .

  27. 报道说,预计用户在明年年初可以免费下载该公司提供的新网页浏览软体。

    The programs are expected to be ready for free download early next year .

  28. 内部资料显示菲德勒试图给弗莱彻捏造一个网页浏览记录

    Internal documents have surfaced that show Fiedler tried to create a web history for Fletcher

  29. 在日常网页浏览中,我从未碰到过任何问题。

    I 've not come across any issues in using it for my regular browsing .

  30. 55%的网页浏览量得到的注意力长度不足15秒。

    Fifty-five percent of all pageviews on the web get less than 15 seconds of attention .