
  1. 旅游协会行业管理职能和机制研究

    Research on Function and System of Industrial Management of Tourism Association

  2. 我国当前的旅游饭店行业管理制度是在原来的部门管理制度基础上发展起来的二元结构行业管理。

    The present industrial management system of Chinese hotel industry as dual-component structure emerges from its preceding system of department management .

  3. 理顺旅游餐饮的行业管理;

    Enhancing tourism and food trade managing level ;

  4. 实践环节的设计不仅是为了服务技能和业务操作能力的培养,更是为了毕业生能真正胜任旅游与酒店行业的管理工作,同时也是对理论知识的巩固与加强。

    The design of practice tache is not only cultivating service technique and operation ability , but also strengthening the theory knowledge of tourism and hotel management work .

  5. 江苏省创建中国优秀旅游城市办公室主任、省旅游局行业管理处处长唐建国主持汇报会。

    Jiangsu Province created excellent Chinese tourist city director of the office , the Provincial Tourism Bureau Director industry management Tang chaired the briefing .

  6. 结合对出境旅游市场发展趋势的预测,论文还进一步从引导出境旅游健康发展的角度,探讨了今后中国出境旅游市场的行业管理政策。

    Combining the prediction of the trend of the development of the outbound tourism market , the paper , in term of guaranteeing the sound development of Chinese outbound travel market , probes into the administration policy of the Chinese outbound tourism market in the future .

  7. 在这些因素中,对湖泊度假旅游消费的主要影响因素是目的地魅力、消费者自身条件、硬件因素、软环境、度假产品和服务、旅游资源、行业管理、支持系统等。

    Among these elements , destination charm , individual traits , physical factors , software environment , holiday tour products and services , tourism resources , industry administration and supporting system are main factors influencing holiday tour consumption .

  8. 运用三角形理论进一步支撑旅游协会的显性运行机制,同时综合旅游协会的自律、自治和自立的内在要求形成隐性保障机制,从而组合而成显性和隐性两条双链条的旅游协会行业管理的理论体系。

    With support of Triangle Theory , dominant system combined with recessive system which includes self-discipline , autonomy and self-support forms the theory system of industrial management of tourism association .