
  • 网络Attachment theory;theory of attachment
  1. 依恋理论提出个体与家人的情感联结给孩子提供了安全的港口,让他们在面临压力情景时,也能够积极地探索(Ainsworth,1982)。

    Attachment theory pointed that the link between children and family members could support emotional security when the children faced stress and enable them to do some exploring actively ( Ainsworth , 1982 ) .

  2. 从依恋理论到慢性疼痛:依恋素质模型

    From attachment theory to chronic pain : the attachment-diathesis model

  3. 基金会主要采用依恋理论(theoryofattachment)进行研究&该理论在儿童成长与心理学领域颇为著名。

    The study focuses on the application of the theory of attachment - a key theory in child development and psychology .

  4. 依恋理论与艾滋病/性病预防与控制

    Implications of attachment styles theory in AIDS / STI control

  5. 90年代西方依恋理论研究的概述

    The Western Studies on Attachment Theory of the Nighties in the 20th Century

  6. 指明品牌依恋理论未来主要研究方向。

    Future researches about brand attachment are also presented .

  7. 依恋理论揭示了其中的原因。

    Attachment theory tells us the reasons on it .

  8. 依恋理论是由对象关系学派精神分析学家鲍尔比提出的。

    This theory is raised by Bowlby and comes from the Theory of Object Relations .

  9. 依恋理论强调了儿童期依恋对青少年亲子关系的影响。

    Attachment theory emphasizes the influence of attachment to parents of adolescents in their childhood .

  10. 儿童依恋理论述评

    Brief Comment on Children Oedipal Theory

  11. 根据依恋理论及研究,个体不安全依恋风格和易感性内部工作模型与心理病理有密切关系。

    According to attachment theory and researches , there is a relationship between attachment patterns and psychopathology .

  12. 最后,研究者以依恋理论的观点释图解释社会支持对于网络成瘾的影响历程。

    Finally , the author adopted attachment theory to explain the role of social support on Internet addiction .

  13. 依恋理论的人际关系说就是关于早期亲子依恋与人际关系的相互关系的探讨。

    The generalization of human relationships in attachment theory is about the relation between Early Attachment and Human Relationships .

  14. 论文的第一部分首先阐述了依恋理论中的几种依恋类型,进而分析了不安全依恋对儿童认知、人格、情绪和社会性发展的影响。

    Then analyzes the profound effect about insecurity attachment for children 's cognition , personality , emotion and sociality development .

  15. 发端于心理学的依恋理论为探究这种顾客与企业之间的情感关系提供了新视角。

    Attachment theory that originated in the psychology provides a new perspective to explore the emotional relationships between customers and retailers .

  16. 依恋理论认为,早期亲子关系的经验形成了人的内部工作模式,这种模式是人的一种对他人的预期,决定了人的处世方式。

    The early relationship with mother could form an " internal working mode " in the mind of children . It 's anticipation to others .

  17. 本研究从依恋理论出发,通过个案研究的方法,探讨沙盘游戏治疗技术在早期不安全依恋儿童中的应用情况。

    Beginning with attachment theories , the thesis discusses the treatment effect of Sandplay therapy to early children with insecurity attachment through the method of cases study .

  18. 一般认为,依恋理论比对象关系学派更加远离了古典精神分析,本研究中提出依恋理论是对古典精神分析的回归的观点。

    Generally thinking , Bowlby 's theory is further from Classical Psychoanalysis than object relation school . This study introduces a viewpoint that Attachment Theory is a regression to Classical Psychoanalysis .

  19. 依恋理论被视为解释亲密关系的最优理论框架,在解构人际关系的个体差异、强度和质量方面具有显著优势。

    Attachment theory is regarded as an excellent theoretical framework to explain intimate relationships and has a significant advantage to uncover individual differences , the intensity and quality of interpersonal relationships .

  20. 它来自于心理学领域的依恋理论,后来很多学者将其应用到营销领域,延伸出了所有物依恋、场所依恋、产品依恋和品牌依恋几个概念。

    Attachment theory comes from the psychology field ; many scholars apply it to the marketing field , extend to some new concept , such as material attachment , place attachment , product attachment and brand attachment .

  21. 依恋理论一直是发展心理学家和社会心理学家用来研究社会适应和亲密关系的理论及方法,研究结果已经应用于亲子教育、心理咨询与治疗等领域。

    Attachment theory has been used by the developmental psychologists to study social adaptation and intimate relationship , the results have been applied to the fields of parent-child education , psychological counseling and treatment , and other fields .

  22. 西方90年代依恋理论研究的争论;单一与多重依恋,陌生情境中气质与母婴关系的作用,母亲、父亲依恋的效果。

    The debate on the western attachment theory of the nighties : single and multiple attachment , effect of ' temperament ' and ' mother - infant relationship ' in the strange situation , effect of mother attachment and father attachment .

  23. 随着起源于心理学领域的依恋理论进入营销学界,品牌依恋作为品牌研究的新视角受到营销学者的关注,但目前国内学者对品牌依恋的研究还比较少。

    As the attachment theory which originated in the field of psychology has been introduced into the Marketing field , brand attachment , as a new perspective , attracts the Marketing scholars ' attention , but there is little study of brand attachment for the domestic scholars at present .

  24. 阐释了婚恋依恋的理论背景、依恋类型、内部工作模型及当前对婚恋依恋与成人社会功能发展的研究进展。

    This article introduces the background theory of Adult Romantic Attachment , attachment styles , internal working models and the current study progresses on Adult Romantic Attachment and the development of adults ' social competence .

  25. 依据人格发展理论、社会生物适应理论、依恋关系理论和认知发展理论,在访谈基础上初步构建出中学生亲子关系量表结构维度。

    According to the theory of personality development , social creature adaption , attachment relation and the theory of cognitive development , the structural dimension of Parental Bordering Instrument for middle school students is constructed by the method of interview .

  26. 国内外很多学者对于自我概念一致性、品牌依恋等理论的相关研究取得了丰硕成果,但是现有文献中关于自我概念一致性对品牌依恋的研究很少,尤其是相关的实证研究。

    Domestic and foreign scholars for the self-concept congruence , brand attachment theory have achieved fruitful results , however , the existing literature studying the effect of consumer self-concept congruence on brand attachment is very few , especially the relevant empirical research .

  27. 通过对心理学和营销学领域大量相关文献的系统梳理,提出品牌依恋建立于依恋理论、品牌关系理论和自我一致性理论基础之上;

    This paper includes a review of literatures of psychology and marketing , points out attachment theory , brand relationship and self-congruence theory as theoretical basements of brand attachment .

  28. 心理动力人格取向的依恋研究验证了当代心理动力理论和依恋理论提出的假设。

    Attachment studies on the psychodynamic approach to personality tested and Verified several hypotheses of contemporary Psychodynamic theory and attachment theory .

  29. 该文介绍了依恋表征和婚恋依恋研究的理论背景、测量方法及主要成果&依恋的代际传递性、依恋的临床应用、婚恋依恋对成人婚恋关系质量和工作的影响。

    The article reviewed the theoretical backgrounds , measurements and latest advances of researches on attachment representation and romantic attachment - intergenerational transmission of attachment , possible application of attachment in therapeutic and clinical field , and effects of romantic attachment on adults marriage and work .

  30. 既然早期依恋的质量对个体的人格和心理健康都有重要的影响,我们应该把更多的精力关注到依恋理论的实用意义之上,提醒家长对安全依恋的培养提高重视。

    As the quality of Early Attachment has so large an impact in the personality and mental health , we should pay more attention on its application significance , to remind the parents to pay attention to the cultivating for secure attachment .