
  • 网络Ecological politics;Eco-Politics;ecopolitics
  1. 文章系统地介绍了国内生态政治学研究的现状,并提出了新的生态政治观点:生态政治文明是政治文明的生态文明化。

    This paper makes a systematic introduction to the state of the study of ecological politics in China and presents a new ecological political view that ecological political civilization is the ecological civilization of political civilization .

  2. 本文通过对生态政治学研究角度发展变化的追溯和剖析,清晰地勾画出当代生态政治学研究过程中所展现出来的不同思维方式及其利弊,并阐明了未来生态政治学发展的方向和思维特征。

    By analyzed the different point of views about Ecological politics , this text delineates clearly the advantage and disadvantage of the thinking methods of Ecological politics in the contemporary studying , and clarify the direction of it with the thought characteristic in the future development .

  3. 构建环境友好型社会的生态政治学思考

    The Idea of an Constructing Environmentally Friendly Society Under Eco-politics

  4. 生态政治学理论分析;

    Second , ecological political science theory analysis ;

  5. 生态政治哲学由此成为学界关注的新焦点。

    Ecological and political philosophy has become the new focus in the field of scholarship ever since .