
shēnɡ wù huó huà
  • biological activation
  1. 活化CO2转化的方法很多,如化学催化法、生物活化法、配位活化法、光化学辐射活化法、电化学还原活化法以及等离子体活化法等。

    Various methods have been used for carbon dioxide conversion , such as chemical catalytic reforming , biosynthesis , coordination catalysis , photochemical radiation activation , electrochemical reduction activation , and plasma activation .

  2. 采用液体培养法研究供试钾细菌在有N、无N培养条件下,对黄砂和黄绵土中矿物态K,P,Si,Ca,Fe,Mn和Zn的生物活化作用。

    The dissolving effect of the silicate bacteria to the K , P , Si , Ca , Fe , Mn and Zn elements in the mineral of loess soil and sand at the culture condition with nitrogen and no nitrogen by the liquid culture and chemical analyses methods .

  3. 具体为运用统计学原理,在不同温度下(60℃~100℃)用不同浓度(5M~10M)的氢氧化钠溶液处理不同的钛合金基体,以确定最佳的生物活化处理条件。

    Making use of statistical principle , the different Ti substrates were dealt with in different temperatures ( 60 ℃ ~ 100 ℃) by different concentrations ( 5M ~ 10 M ) NaOH solutions so that we can confirm the most appropriate technique .

  4. 钛和钛合金生物活化研究现状

    Research and Development on Surface Bioactivity Methods of Titanium and its Alloys

  5. 纤维素磁性微球的制备及其生物活化研究

    Study on Preparation and bioactivation of novel immunomagnetic microspheres

  6. 钛金属低温生物活化

    Low-temperature Approach to Induce Bioactivity on Titanium Metal formal

  7. 纯钛表面多孔化及生物活化的研究

    Fabrication and Characterization of Porous and Bio - Activated Surface on Pure Titanium

  8. 通过对潮滩表层沉积物粒度和有机质含量的分析,指出水动力条件、潮滩生物活化作用是影响重金属空间分布和累积的主要因素。

    Through correlation analysis on sediment granularity and organic component with heavy metals , factors which control the heavy metals include effect of water dynamic action and activating effects of tidal flat livings .

  9. W-HE生物表面活化剂在小麦上的应用效果

    The Effect of W - HE Biological Surface Activator for Wheat Use

  10. W-HE水稻消毒型生物表面活化剂的应用效果研究初报

    Preliminary Study on the Effect of the W-HE Living Creature Surface Activate of Seed Disinfection in Rice

  11. 仿生物酶活化分子氧降解水中有机污染物

    Degradation of organic pollutants in water by bio-mimetic oxygenase enzyme

  12. 小麦应用包衣型生物表面活化剂对其生育性状及产量和品质的影响

    The Influence of Plant Growth Regulator in Seed-coating on Wheat Yield and Qualities

  13. 大豆专用包衣型生物表面活化剂使用效果研究

    Study on the Application Effect of Seed Coating Type of Biological Surface Activator on Soybean

  14. 本文对钛及钛合金种植体的各种表面活化方法进行了综述。因此阳极氧化的表面活化方法有可能成为有效的解决经皮生物密封的活化方法之一。

    The surface bioactivity method of titanium and its alloys are reviewed in present paper . So , it can be concluded that the surface modified method of anode oxidization may be one of the most effective methods to resolve the problem of durable biological sealing .

  15. 生物材料的质子活化分析

    Proton Activation Analysis of Biological Material

  16. 土壤生物对磷的活化作用主要机制为:通过产生质子和有机酸溶解不溶态无机磷,通过分泌磷酸酶水解有机磷,这种作用受土壤供磷与植物对磷需求间平衡的调控。

    The mobilization of soil phosphorus by soil biota involved mainly solubilization of insoluble inorganic phosphorus by excretion of protons and organic acids , and hydrolysis of organic phosphorus by phosphatases . The processes of phosphorus mobilization were regulated by the equilibrium between soil phosphorus suppy and plant P demand .

  17. 例如,它们可用作生物杀虫剂,用于生产生物聚合体和表面活化剂。

    For example , they are employed as bioinsecticides and used to produce biopolymers and surfactants .