
  1. 利用无土栽培的方法培育大麦苗,采13~17cm大麦苗榨取新鲜大麦苗汁,观察其生物保健效应。

    Using fresh juice from 13 ~ 17cm barley seedlings to detect the biologic health effect of barley seedling coming from no soil culture .

  2. 本公司是一家集科研、养殖、生产加工、销售为一体的以生产生物保健品为主的高科技企业。

    This company is a high-tech enterprise jointly invested by Shenyang Huadan Bio-health-products Co.

  3. 几丁质、几丁聚糖通称为甲壳质,因其具有独特的生物学特性和生物保健功能,现被医学及生物学界称为第六大生命要素。

    Chitin is regarded as " Sixth key life element " by medicine and biology community .

  4. 大豆及其加工制品中以糖苷形式存在的大豆异黄酮不利于人体的消化吸收,难以发挥其生物保健作用。

    The isoflavone glycosides in soybeans and their prepared products are difficult to digest and absorb in human body .

  5. 海洋生物保健制剂中氨基酸的测定及营养评价

    Determination of the Amino Acids and Evaluation of the Nutritive Values for the Health-care Foods Containing Marine Products and Traditional Chinese Medicines

  6. 目的:研究蚕蛹多肽的营养价值及其生物保健功能。

    Objective : To study nutritive value of multi peptide in silk worm cocoon and it a healthy funtion to human body .

  7. 结果表明,该产品口感好,具有浓郁的海鲜风味,且营养丰富,蛋白质含量为5.36%,氨基酸种类齐全,富含具有重要生物保健功能的牛磺酸和活性多糖。

    The experimental results showed that the nutritious product throwed off a good flavor and contained many nutritional components . It owned protein ( 5.36 % ), eight kinds of essential amino acids , and it was rich in taurine and active polysaccharides , which played important functional roles .

  8. 海洋生物作为保健、药物和功能性材料开发已经形成产业,一批生物医药企业快速兴起。

    Marine life as health care , drugs and the development of functional materials industry has been formed , a group of rapid emergence of bio-pharmaceutical enterprises .

  9. 随着科技的进步和研究的深入,多学科的合作是学科发展的必然,负离子的研究将是医学、物理、生物、保健等学科的相互合作,共同发展的一门科学。

    With the advancement of technology and research , the multi-disciplinary cooperation is the inevitable development of the subject , study of negative ions will be medicine , physics , biology , health and other subjects of mutual cooperation and common development of a science .

  10. 花生四烯酸(Arachidonicacid,ARA)是人体重要的不饱和脂肪酸,具有独特的生物活性和保健功能。

    Arachidonic acid ( Arachidonic Acid , ARA ) is an important human unsaturated fatty acids , hasa unique biological activity and health functions .

  11. 鹿角盘水溶性成分营养丰富,具有特殊的生物活性和保健功能。

    Water-soluble components of coronet are delicious , and have peculiar bioactivity and health-protecting function .

  12. 法国欧波丝迪生物科技美化保健品(香港)有限公司版权所有。

    France ALLBEST Biotechnology Prettify Health Product ( Hongkong ) Company limited All Rights Reserved .

  13. 生物技术在保健饮料中的应用

    Application of biotechnology to health drinks

  14. β-葡萄糖苷酶在生物能源、保健品、食品等领域具有广阔的应用前景。

    There are quite bright prospects for the application of β - glucosidases in bioenergy , healthy products , food industry and other areas .

  15. 伴随着全世界对生物和生物保健药物产品需求的日益增加,以及生物技术快速发展带来的生产效率和生产规模的极大改善,全球的生物制药产业正在以前所未有的速度持续发展。

    With the demand for biological and pharmaceutical products has increased , and the great improvement of production efficiency and the production scale due to the biological technology rapid development , the global biopharmaceutical industry is unprecedented sustained development .

  16. 指出,在可持续发展战略中,建立无公害农药应用技术体系是植物有害生物治理和植物保健以及环境保护等方面发展的必然要求。

    This paper revealed that at the strategy of sustainable development , setting up the district application technique system about biorational pesticide in China is urgent and important in integrate pest management and plant health protection , also in the environment protection .

  17. 上海亮靓生物科技有限公司是专门从事生产、研究、销售纯天然洗涤、化妆、生物保健用品的高科技公司。

    Shanghai they offer biotechnology Limited is specialized in the production , research , sales purely natural washing , cosmetic , biological health supplies high-tech companies .