
  • 网络The Course of Life;progress through life
  1. 所以,又怎能真正理解我们生命的历程?

    So how to understand the narratives of our lives ?

  2. 水的历程造就了生命的历程,却又隐身于生命之内。

    The water course has accomplished the life course , actually stealth in life .

  3. 生命的历程似在飞换;

    Our life 's succeeding stages ;

  4. 生命的历程中总有颠簸起伏,每个人都会百感交集。

    Life automatically has it bumps in the road and everyone experiences the entire emotional gamut in varying degrees .

  5. 当他们参加了教育交流时全世界的学生都沿着他们生命的历程跨出了重要的一步。

    Students from all over the world take a major step along their life 's journey when they participate in an educational exchange .

  6. 安德鲁莫里斯写道“对于欧洲人来说,生活是生命的历程,而对于美国人,生活就是一个接一个的危险。”

    For a european , writes Andre maurois ," life is a career ; for an american , it is a succession of hazards . "

  7. 用水书写、画画,从无到有,又从有到无,循环往复的其实是一种生命的历程。

    To write or draw with water demonstrates the repeated circle of life , as from nothing to something , and from something to nothing again .

  8. 史蒂夫:确实如此,这是一种历久弥坚的印象,因为这是一个灵性进化的图腾,是根基于生命的历程的。

    Steve : Yes indeed , it was an enduring image because it 's a picture of spiritual evolution , which is the process that underlies life .

  9. 游戏介绍:不羁的牛仔女郎,跃动的青春气息在生命的历程中尽情放纵、扬。

    Girls : poetic cowboy on the game , most of the young people gathered together in the course of a life full of money , publicity .

  10. 在经过炼狱般的洗礼之后,雷默反思人生、反思生命的历程,对生命的意义有了更加刻骨铭心的理解。

    After a purgatory-like baptism , Ramme reflection of life , to reflect on the course of life , the meaning of life have a more memorable understanding .

  11. 什么时候你的生活因为外来因素而发生过重大改变?如果可以掌握生命的历程,你感觉如何?

    When has your life dramatically changed as the result of some seemingly random external influence ? How much do you feel in control of the course of your life ?

  12. 在长达半个多世纪里,诗人木斧笔耕不辍,他以火一样的激情与水一样的哲思,回溯并展望生命的历程。

    During over half century , poet Mufu has incessantly kept on writing , with his ardent passion and aqueous wise thought , recalling and looking forward the progress of life .

  13. 因此,教育的过程就是一个不断实现生命理解的历程。

    So , the course of education is a course that realizes understanding of life constantly .

  14. 你越避免变化,你就越妨碍生命的成长历程。

    The more you avoid change , the more you hinder the process of growth in your life .

  15. 在这里,成长常常与革命信念的确立和理想人格的形成紧密相连,它不仅是个体生命的成长历程,更是个体精神皈依革命理想的过程。

    Here , the growth and often revolutionary beliefs and ideals established by the formation of personality are closely linked , it is not only the life of growth , but also the spirit of the individual conversion revolutionary ideals .

  16. 人与自然的三次对话&浅论诗人生命体验的跋涉历程

    Three dialogues between man and nature & On the hardships and life experiences

  17. 我生命的一段历程于今晚结束,明天将开始新的一程

    A phase of my life was closing tonight , a new one opening tomorrow

  18. 当代台湾原住民文学的创作队伍都表现出相同的倾向:所有作家的创作都显现出人文精神角度和对原住民生存价值终极意义的关怀。这种关怀是原住民作家为原住民族追求生命价值的使命历程。

    The modern native writers of Taiwan have a common concern in their literary creation , that is , their humanist concern on the eternal value of the Taiwan natives ' existence .

  19. 第二章介绍了生命权的发展历程,从国外的发展谈到了国内的发展,并且分析了国内生命权意识的一些流弊以及产生的原因。

    The second chapter introduces the development of the right to life home and abroad , and analyzes some obstacles on our way to improve the sense of right to life in our country and the reasons to them .

  20. 生命中的每段历程,都有积极乐观的一面。

    There are always positives you can take from every episode in your life .

  21. 简要介绍了生命周期评价的发展历程、定义、类型、技术框架和方法,分析了生命周期评价与环境管理、清洁生产、产品生态设计、生态环境材料、环保工艺技术之间的关系。

    This paper introduced the life cycle assessment with its development , concept , technique framework and type , analyzed the relationship between the life cycle assessment and environmental management , clean production , product ecosystem design , ecomaterials and environmental protection craft .

  22. 只有开放的教学,才能焕发师生的生命活力,从而使教学过程真正成为师生生命的一段历程。

    Only open instruction can arouse teachers ' and students ' life energy , thus making the teaching process an experience in both teachers ' and students ' life .