
cáo gāng
  • channel;U-steel;box iron;U-bar;beam channel;V-iron
槽钢 [cáo gāng]
  • [V-iron;channel] 一面有凹槽的钢条

槽钢[cáo gāng]
  1. 斜楔式槽钢冲孔模

    Piercing Die of Oblique - wedge U-steel

  2. 研究了柱加劲肋、螺栓排列、螺栓数目、槽钢宽度和槽钢下伸长度等的影响。

    Effects of column stiffeners , bolt arrangement , bolt number , U-steel width and U-steel extended length are studied .

  3. 去年10月,成功地轧出了第一批低合金槽钢。

    Last October the first batch of low-alloy channel steel was successfully rolled .

  4. C型热轧叉车门架槽钢轧制缺陷的成因及改进

    Cause Analysis of Defects of Channel Steel for C-type Fork Tractor Gate Frame and Its Countermeasures

  5. 本文对无支撑、钢带支撑、槽钢支撑和十字交叉钢带支撑的C型截面柱的墙柱骨架进行了在轴心压力作用下的足尺试验。

    The full-scale tests are carried out in this research for the wall-stud structures with C-type cross section stud which subject to centric axial loads .

  6. 本文就腹板纵向中间V型加劲薄壁卷边槽钢柱单波型和多波型相关屈曲性能进行了理论分析和试验研究。

    The single-wave & multiple-wave interactive buckling theory and tests in thin-walledlipped-channel beam-columns with web 's intermediate V-stiffeners are presented .

  7. 本文对有效截面法和直接强度法的计算结果进行了修正,通过引入修正系数,使现有的设计方法能够用于腹板V形加劲的冷弯卷边槽钢在轴向压力作用下极限承载力的计算。

    Effective width method and direct strength method are modified to make them applicable to predict the ultimate strength of cold-formed lipped-channel column with V-stiffened web under axial compression force .

  8. 而翼缘非全部有效的卷边槽钢、Z形钢毫无对称性,使应力分析计算十分复杂。

    Lipped channel and Z section with compression flange not fully effective , have no more any symmetry , so that their stress analysis become quite complicated .

  9. 其次,用VISUALBASIC语言开发了钢轨和槽钢的锯切功率计算分析程序,为正确地选择锯片电机功率提供了参考。

    Secondly , it develops the computational and analytic program of the sawing power for rail steel and channel steel with Visual , Basic language , it will offer correctly reference for us when we choose power of saw blade motor .

  10. 基于Rankine公式,提出了一种可用于计算热轧薄壁槽钢柱抗火极限的方法,采用有限元软件MSC。

    This paper presents a new design method for thin-wall hot-rolled channel columns in fire condition using Rankine formula .

  11. 10~槽钢在Φ300mm轧机上的试制和孔型优化

    Pass improvement and trial production of 10 # channel steel on Φ 300 mm rolling mill

  12. 借助ANSYS有限元分析软件,对卷边槽钢压杆局部屈曲进行分析,得到考虑板组约束作用的屈曲系数,并和国内外规范进行比较。

    An analysis of lipped channel struts is made by ANSYS , and buckling coefficients , taking constraint action between plate components into account , are obtained , and compared with the codes both at home and abroad .

  13. Φ500mm轧机轧制16号轻型槽钢的孔型设计

    Roll pass design to roll 16 # light channel beam with ф 500mm rolling mill

  14. MDC-29型电解槽钢衬玻璃钢槽盖的制作

    The manufacture of steel-lined glass fibre reinforced plastic cap of electrolyzer MDC-29

  15. 针对现场实际情况,采用常用的变形模型及力能参数模型,应用C语言进行程序设计,在此基础上采用Auto-CAD软件设计出一套实用的槽钢CARD系统。

    In accordance with the practice , both model of deformation and the model of force and energy parameter most in use are adopted for program design with C language . On the basis of this , a practical CARD system for channel is designed with Auto CAD software .

  16. 用ANSYS软件模拟分析了在初始缺陷影响下,72个厚壁双冷弯槽钢焊接组合截面构件分别在冷弯残余应力单独作用下,以及焊接残余应力和冷弯残余应力共同作用下的整体稳定性。

    Applying the ANSYS and considering the impacts of the initial imperfection , the overall stability of 72 thick-walled double channels with welding composite section is analyzed , on the effect of the separate cold-formed residual stress and the combination of the cold-formed and welding residual stresses .

  17. 本文介绍用16Mn板材焊制槽形大梁的结构、接头设计、焊接工艺及变形控制,解决了槽钢大梁强度不足,易损坏(开裂)问题。

    This paper introduces the structure weld design , welding process , and deformation control of channel-shaped beam welded from 16 Mn steel plate . The problems of inadequate strength , and liability to fracture have been solved .

  18. 从材料的选择、衬贴工艺、质量检查、防腐性能等方面详细介绍了用197树脂制作MDC-29型电解槽钢衬玻璃钢槽盖的过程。

    The process of manufacturing MDC-29 electrolyzer cap of steel-lined glass fibre reinforced plastics from resin 197 are introduced in detail , in the fields of material selection , lining process , quality inspection , anticorrosive performance , and so on .

  19. 外卷边槽钢辊弯成型过程数值模拟

    Numerical Simulation of Roll Forming for Channel Section With Outer Edge

  20. 冷弯槽钢变形过渡区长度的计算

    The Calculation for Deformation Length of Cold Roll - forming Channel

  21. 格栅-槽钢联合支护技术的研究与应用

    Research and Application of " Grating-Channel Steel " Combined Support Technology

  22. 冷弯薄壁卷边槽钢开孔腹板屈曲性能分析

    Analysis on Buckling Behavior of Cold-Formed Lipped Channel With Perforated Web

  23. 槽钢剪力连接件的性能研究第二部分:分析研究

    Behavior of Channel Shear Connectors , Part II : Analytical Study

  24. 纤维钢筋混凝土结构中槽钢剪力连接件的试验和分析研究

    Experimental and Analytical Study on Channel Shear Connectors in Fiber-Reinforced Concrete

  25. 15~薄壁槽钢的孔型设计和轧制

    Pass Design and Pass Positioning of No.15 Thin Walled Channel Beam

  26. 槽钢连轧孔型设计浅析

    Analysis of pass design of channel steel by continuous rolling

  27. 冷弯薄壁槽钢短柱局部屈曲后相关作用的弹塑性分析

    Elastoplastic analysis and experimental studies of locally buckled cold-formed thin-walled channel sections

  28. 20~槽钢在500轧机上的试制

    Trial production of 20 ~ # channel steel with 500 rolling mill

  29. 参数化槽钢孔型计算机辅助设计技术研究

    Research on Parameterized Computer Aided Pass Design for Channel Steel

  30. 卷边槽钢檩条的自攻螺钉连接节点刚度研究

    Research on Stiffness of Lipped Channel Purlin Joint Connected in Self-Tapping Screw