
  • 网络Investment Scale;scale of investment
  1. 同时,减少了投资规模,降低了运行费用,获得了理想的处理效果。

    Moreover the scale of investment and run-cost were greatly reduced .

  2. 二是投资规模较小;

    Second , the scale of investment is relatively little ;

  3. 世界银行(WorldBank)在周二发布的《全球金融发展》(GlobalDevelopmentFinance)年度报告中预计,今年发展中国家的经济增长及投资规模仅有温和下降。

    On Tuesday , the World Bank predicted modest declines in growth rates and investment in developing countries this year , according to its annual Global Development Finance report .

  4. 欧盟委员会(EuropeanCommission)近期进行的一项研究显示,欧洲每年的风险资本投资规模比美国少150亿美元。

    Europe invests $ 15bn less a year in venture capital than the US , according to a recent study by the European Commission .

  5. 然后从投资规模、投资方式、投资行业和投资地区四个方面分别对老挝吸引世界FDI和中国FDI的现状进行了总结。

    Then from the investment scale , investment , trade and investment areas the theses described , respectively , the status of FDI from the world and China .

  6. 此外,固定收益市场的投资规模还出现了增加,原因是美联储(Fed)预计会在今年推出自2006年以来的首次加息举措。

    The stakes have also risen for the fixed income markets because the US Federal Reserve is expected to increase interest rates this year for the first time since 2006 .

  7. 谷歌的风投业务已经令人望而生畏,而包括康卡斯特(Comcast)和时代华纳(TimeWarner)在内的大型传媒公司也在提升对初创公司的投资规模。

    Google built up has a formidable venture capital practice , and large media companies from Comcast to Time Warner have also ramped up their startup investing .

  8. BOT模式可以有效地控制项目投资规模,规范政府部门的行为,提高高速公路管理水平。

    The BOT mode can control the investment scale of the project effectively , regulate the government acts and improve the management level of the free way .

  9. 利用DEA有效性原理,建立投资规模界限值数学模型。

    In the paper , oilfields are technically and economically classified and the mathematical model of investment size is set up in accordance with the DEA validity principle .

  10. 安德森认为,虽然过去五年中国的投资规模接近GDP的一半,但并没有多少证据表明这种投资规模导致工业大范围产能过剩。

    Even though China has been investing almost 50 % of GDP for the past few years , Mr. Anderson doesn * t see much evidence that it * s resulted in widespread industrial overcapacity .

  11. 随着FDI在中国投资规模日益扩大,在各行业市场份额的不断增加,社会各界开始关注FDI在中国产业中是否会形成垄断这一问题。

    With the expansion of FDI in China and its market-share increase in each industry , whether or not FDI will monopolize China 's industries has struck the attention of all walks of life in society .

  12. 卡塔尔控股(qatarholding)的首席执行官表示,该公司很快会在中国设立代表处,以期提振在远东地区不断扩大的投资规模。

    Qatar holding , the direct investment arm of the Qatar Investment Authority , will soon open an office in China as it seeks to boost its growing investment portfolio in the Far East , its chief executive says .

  13. 咨询公司麦肯锡(McKinsey)的数据显示,2007年至2012年期间,中国的生物研发投资规模以每年33%的复合增长率增长,而亚太其他国家的平均增长率是7%。

    Between 2007 and 2012 , Chinese investment in biomedical RD grew at a compound annual rate of 33 per cent , compared with an average 7 per cent in the rest of Asia-Pacific , according to McKinsey , the consultant .

  14. 中国&东盟自由贸易区从市场的广度和深度上实现了市场创造,深化了国际分工,促进了自由贸易区成员国的贸易关系,扩大了投资规模,促进了CAFTA的经济持续发展。

    China-ASEAN free trade zone makes its targets come true , including realizing the market division , deepening the international division , promoting the trade relationship among member states , enlarging investment-scale and keeping the instant development of CAFTA .

  15. 当前我国投资规模与投资结构的若干问题

    Several problems of investment scale and structure of our country presently

  16. 改革开放以来技术改造投资规模的实证分析

    Positive analysis : investment scale on technological improvement since the reform

  17. 产业投资规模基于期权观点的优化

    Control and Optimization on Industrial Investment Scale Based on Options Viewpoint

  18. 西部大开发首要的是加大西部教育投资规模

    Educational Investment Strength Must Be Increased Firstly During The Western Exploitation

  19. 最后就我国跨国公司如何加强扩大境外直接投资规模提出几点分析建议。

    And then gives two suggestions of how to enlarge the scale .

  20. 辽宁省利用外商直接投资规模分析

    The Analysis of Using Foreign Direct Investment in Liao Ning

  21. 本研究认为能够维持可持续发展所需的环境基础的环保投资规模和结构是一优化的投资规模和结构。

    The environment vestment that can support sustainable development is optimized investment .

  22. 制造业的投资规模比较大,尤其是对外投资。

    Manufacturing companies ' investment scale is bigger , especially foreign investment .

  23. R&D投资规模的统计规律性研究

    Study on Statistics Regularity for R & D Investment Scale

  24. 投资规模、投资结构与投资收益相关性研究

    The Corelate Research of Investment Size , Investment Structure and Investment Income

  25. 农民生产投资规模的影响因素及对策探析

    An Exploration on the Factors Influencing Farmers ' Investment and the Measures

  26. 第二部分对物流中心投资规模和经营模式进行了研究。

    In this part , investment scale and operation mode is analyzed .

  27. 投资规模小,经济效益偏低;

    The low profit caused by the small scale of China 's FDI ;

  28. 房地产投资规模决策模型研究与应用

    The Research and Application of Estate Investment Scale Decision

  29. 从某种程度上讲,21世纪福克斯公司正在缩减在华投资规模,而其他公司则正在扩大在华投资规模。

    To some extent 21st century fox is zigging where others are zagging .

  30. 平均投资规模将在1000万美元至5000万美元之间。

    The average investment size will be between $ 10m and $ 50m .