
  • Chengdu Chongqing region;Cheng-Yu area
  1. 希望能够通过本文,对于ESCO服务成渝地区大型公共建筑事业能够有一点有益的推动。

    Through the paper , we hope to see a little bit benefit push for ESCO Service for Large Public Buildings in Chengdu-Chongqing area .

  2. 成渝地区大型公共建筑的保有量巨大。

    The number of large-scale public buildings in Chengdu-Chongqing area is enormous .

  3. 成渝地区中央空调系统的应用分析

    Application and Analysis of the Central Air-Conditioning in Chengdu , Chongqing Areas

  4. 成渝地区特殊儿童家校合作的调查研究

    An Investigation on Home-School Cooperation of Children with Special Needs in Chongqing and Chengdu

  5. 成渝地区学校体育区域互动模式的研究

    Chengdu-Chongqing Area Physical Education Regional Interactive Pattern Research

  6. 社会支持对成渝地区军队老年人生命质量的影响

    Effects of social support on quality of life for army elderly in Chengdu-Chongqing areas

  7. 成渝地区中小物流企业经营战略研究

    Study on the Business Strategy of Small and Medium-sized Logistics Enterprises in Chengdu & Chongqing Region

  8. 重庆是中国最年轻的直辖市;成都市是四川省的省会城市,两个城市的都是所在地域的政治、文化、经济中心。成渝地区对西南乃至整个西部地区影响巨大。

    Chongqing is the youngest municipality directly under the government of Central Government ; Chengdu city is the capital city of Sichuan Province . Two cities politics are being a location region , culture and conomy centre .

  9. 有利于充分利用成渝地区城镇密集优势,形成戍渝“都市经济圈”,发挥都市经济圈的能动作用,努力成为中国第四个经济增长极;

    Forming the economic area can fully take the advantage of dense cities in the area , and plays a leading role of " metro-economic area ", and tries to become the fourth pole of economic growth in China .

  10. 成渝经济区重庆地区石漠化敏感性以不敏感为主,敏感区主要分布在开县、石柱县和南川区。

    The extent of rocky desertification sensibility in Chongqing is mainly not sensitive , and sensitivity area mainly distributed in Kai county , Shizhu county and the Nanchuan district .

  11. 特别是成渝经济区重庆地区位于三峡库区腹心地带,生态环境的维护对三峡水库的安全运行至关重要。

    Especially Chongqing in Cheng-Yu Economic Zone located in the central part of the Three Gorges Reservoir , its ecological environment protection is crucial for the safe operation of the Three Gorges .