
chéng guǒ
  • achievement;fruit;gain;positive result
成果 [chéng guǒ]
  • [achievements;fruit] 指学习、工作、劳动上的成效和成绩

  • 成果显著

成果[chéng guǒ]
  1. 这是古典时期一项无可匹敌的技术成果。

    It 's a technological achievement that is unrivalled in the classical world .

  2. 这些包括政府对于科研方面的资金支持、国家对于新兴产业的政策扶持、教育上的成果、工程师和科学家的培养,甚至还有互联网宽带服务的网速。

    These include government financing for scientific research , national policies to support emerging industries , educational achievement , engineers and scientists graduated , even the speeds of Internet broadband service .

  3. 这些成果进一步证明了他的杰出才干。

    These results are a further proof of his outstanding ability .

  4. 他被指控剽窃同事的成果。

    He was accused of plagiarizing his colleague 's results .

  5. 会议没有取得任何实质性成果。

    Nothing of any substance was achieved in the meeting .

  6. 这本书是多年研究的成果。

    The book is the fruit of years of research .

  7. 我们通过说服会比使用暴力获得更多的成果。

    We will achieve much more by persuasion than by brute force .

  8. 他想到这都是他的工作成果,感到十分欣慰。

    It gratified him to think that it was all his work .

  9. 我费了很大力气,但她的成果让我相形见绌。

    I tried hard but her work put mine in the shade .

  10. 这台设备是一项振奋人心的最新研究成果。

    This piece of equipment is an exciting new development .

  11. 这是一次带来极其有益的成果的合作。

    It was a collaboration that produced extremely useful results .

  12. 威尔逊教授获邀就自己的研究成果发言。

    Professor Wilson was invited to speak about the results of his research .

  13. 她的被捕是国际合作的成果。

    Her arrest was a triumph of international cooperation .

  14. 他曾看到他毕生的劳动成果就在自己的眼前毁于一旦。

    He had seen his life 's work destroyed before his very eyes .

  15. 呼吁的成果颇丰,收到了大批毛毯、药物和衣服。

    The appeal produced a rich harvest of blankets , medicines and clothing .

  16. 她近来取得的成果让那些批评她的人无话可说了。

    Her recent achievements have silenced her critics .

  17. 他们的研究成果已经广为传播。

    Their findings have been widely disseminated .

  18. 看到她终于收获辛勤劳动的成果令人欣慰。

    It was good to see her finally reaping the benefits of all her hard work .

  19. 各家经营各自的农场,收获各自的劳动成果。

    Each family farms individually and reaps the benefit of its labor

  20. 该中心在语篇分析研究方面成果丰硕。

    The Centre has a strong record of research in discourse analysis .

  21. 这些发现是3年多研究的成果。

    The findings are the fruit of more than three years research .

  22. 有关他研究成果的消息一路传到了亚洲。

    News of his work traveled all the way to Asia

  23. 会谈没有取得成果,他自然感到失望。

    He was naturally disappointed when the talks failed to bear fruit .

  24. 到目前为止,两位首相还没有取得实质性成果。

    Thus far , the two prime ministers have achieved no concrete results .

  25. 对于那些课程能够取得何等成果的夸大宣传,他们应该持怀疑态度。

    They should be sceptical of exaggerated claims for what such courses can achieve

  26. 他们会见的意外成果是释放了这14个人。

    A by-product of their meeting was the release of these fourteen men .

  27. 每个人的劳动成果都应该获得合理的回报。

    Every man should receive a fair price for the product of his labour

  28. 这一结果似乎和去年11月美国研究人员发表的一项重要成果相矛盾。

    The result seems to contradict a major U.S. study reported last November .

  29. 让客观公正的第三方看一下你的成果会有助益。

    It can help to have an impartial third party look over your work

  30. 不管以哪种标准来衡量,过去一年都成果斐然。

    By any standards , the accomplishments of the past year are extraordinary .