
  1. 我们把时间划分成周和月,不就说明我们愿意在特定的时间做(或不做)特定的事情。

    The very fact that we divide time into weeks and months suggests a willingness to do ( or not do ) particular things at particular times .

  2. 一步步,一程程,已走了多远,永不停留,走过秒、分、时、日,又积成周、月、年、代。

    Step by step , one-way process has gone far , never stop , came second , minute , hour , day , another product into weeks , months , years , on behalf of .

  3. 将日期的序列数转换成一周中的天数

    Converts a serial number to a day of the week

  4. 我们原本计划放假一周,但后来决定改成两周。

    We originally planned on a one-week vacation , but we decided to make it two weeks instead .

  5. 除了发育成外周神经系统,神经脊干细胞还会分化成其他组织如骨骼,软骨,一些横纹肌甚至部分的心脏。

    In addition to generating the peripheral nervous system , neural crest stem cells generate other tissues such as bone , cartilage , some types of muscle , and even part of the heart .

  6. C组3只诱导成模型1周后,右膝关节腔内各注射32P-胶体磷酸铬44.4MBq。

    One week after the three rabbits in group C have been induced as models , 44.4 MBq colloidal chromic phosphate 32P was injected into the right knee joint cavity .

  7. 结果2型糖尿病大鼠成模12周后,血清Hcy水平较对照组明显升高,肾小球基质相对面积、基底膜及视网膜毛细血管壁的厚度较对照组显著增加,22周后尿白蛋白排泄率明显升高。

    Results Plasma Hcy levels , mesangial matrix relative area , the thickness of renal glomerular basement membrane and capillary wall of retina were all significantly higher than those of the control group after 12 weeks . The urinary albumin excretion rate increased significantly 22 weeks later .

  8. 在成模12周后,分别用光学显微镜、电子显微镜等方法观察肾脏形态变化,用免疫组织化学、核酸原位杂交和逆转录PCR方法检测DM大鼠肾髓质集合管AQP-2的表达。

    STZ-induced DM rats were established for 12 weeks , then the tissue structure of the kidneys of both groups was studied under light microscope and transmission electron microscope . The expression of AQP-2 in collecting tubules of renal medulla was assayed by immunohistochemistry , hybridization in situ and RT-PCR .

  9. 令我感到郁闷的是,我发现自己成了后半周大家关注的中心。

    To my dismay , I found myself the center of attention for the rest of that week .

  10. 成模一周后,各治疗组开始按成人剂量的20倍给药,每日一次。

    Model succeed 1 week , each group were given medicine at the dose of 20 times of adult dose qd .

  11. 每周讲稿被设计成针对该周主题的问题形式。针对这些问题,诸位必须写出回应报告。

    These weekly notes are designed as questions on the weekly topic , to which the students must write their response papers .

  12. 我收拾好自己的汽车,开车去南加利福尼亚找工作。我原以为只需要一周,却拖成了两周,接着变成四周;

    I packed up my car and drove to Southern California to find work . But what I thought would take a week dragged [

  13. 依照建议,儿童每天都要运动,但是这项调查显示,台湾有四成孩童一周运动不到三次。

    Exercise is a daily recommendation for children , but the survey claims 40 % of kids in Taiwan are not even breaking a sweat three times a week .

  14. 一名男子,一个公司,一个行业由于不同的原因都成了本周的焦点,但是他们的共同点就是不诚实。

    This is IN THE NEWS in VOA Special English . An individual , a company and an industry were all in the news this week for reasons unrelated except for the idea of dishonesty .

  15. 关键之处可能在于支持细胞(Sertolicell,又译塞托利细胞),这种细胞在睾丸内精子细胞发育成精子的10周过程中为它们提供支持。

    The key may be Sertoli cells , which support the testes ' germ cells during their 10-week development into becoming sperm .

  16. 于成瘤后2周分别用PBS、DC或TAA/DC进行免疫治疗,比较治疗效果。

    Two-week tumor burdened rats were treated immunologically with PBS , DC and TAA / DC respectively , and the results of the treatment were compared .

  17. 建立STZ糖尿病大鼠模型,成模后12周,Morris水迷宫测试学习记忆能力。

    Streptozotocin-diabetic rat model was established . The learning and memory ability of rats were tested with the Morris water maze after 12 weeks .

  18. 成模第八周心肌组织中丙二醛(MDA)含量,锰-超氧化歧化酶(Mn-SOD)活性,同时留取心肌作电镜观察。

    We duplicated diabetic rat pattern in 8 weeks and measured MDA content of myocardium tissue and Mn-SOD activities and retained myocardium tissue to make electron microscope observation .

  19. 植入后6、10、16周BMP-2组均有明显成骨,16周时坏死区被完全修复;β-gal组只有较少新骨形成,16周时坏死区仍多为纤维组织。

    New bone was evident in the implantation field of BMP-2 group while fibrous tissues were evident in that of β - gal group at 6th , 10th and 16th week after treatment .

  20. 结果:A组各项指标均无变化,B组体重明显减轻、大便次数增多并成血性;外周血T淋巴细胞亚群紊乱、SOD活力下降、MDA含量增高;

    The results showed that no changes took place in various indexes in Group A , and body weight decreased obviously in Group B , with increased times in defecation and blood stool , disturbance of peripheral T lymphocyte subgroup , decreased SOD activity and elevated MDA content .

  21. 糖尿病成模后2周时,坐骨神经甲钴胺+胰岛素治疗1组组织胰岛素样生长因子1mRNA含量显著高于胰岛素治疗1组(P<0.05),与正常对照组差异不明显;

    Two weeks after diabetic model was established , the sciatic tissue IGF-1 mRNA contents were obviously higher in methylcobalamin + insulin treated group 1 than that in insulin treated group 1 ( P < 0.05 ), but not significantly different from that in NC group ;

  22. 七个寂寞的日子拼凑成寂寞的一周。

    Seven lonely days make one lonely week .

  23. 穆里尼奥在俱乐部的未来已经成了最近几周大家关注的焦点,同时有说法声称他将在赛季结束后离开。

    Mourinho 's future at the club has been in the spotlight in recent weeks with suggestions that he will quit at the end of the season .

  24. 成模后1周即出现多饮、多食、多尿等糖尿病症状,体质量减小。

    One week after injection , rats drinking more , eating more , and more urinary symptoms , body mass decreases , which was similar to the symptoms of diabetic .

  25. 成脂诱导2周后,油红O染色,脂滴为橙红色;成骨诱导3周后,茜素红染色,镜下显现为红色斑片。

    After two weeks of adipogenic induction , oil red O staining , lipid droplets were orange-red ; after three weeks of osteogenic induction , alizarin red staining , red patches were visible under the microscope . 3 .

  26. 对照组:4周时,软骨逐渐成骨,8周时,基本完成修复,新生小血管增生明显,骨小梁排列尚有序,12周时成熟骨组织替代完全,与断端无明显分界。

    Control group : four weeks , the cartilage gradually ossified , 8 weeks , and basically complete the restoration , new small vascular proliferation obviously , the trabecular bone arranged contiguity orderly , and 12 weeks when fully mature bone tissue replacement , and ends no boundaries .

  27. 根据西周气候的变迁和《幽风.七月》一诗中的物候现象,以及文献考古材料,可以证明《幽风.七月》作成时间不是在周初,而应为西周中期偏早阶段。

    According to the change of weather in Xi Zhou dynasty and the phenological phenomenon in the poem , and some relevant documental archaeological materials , the writing time of " Bin Wind , July " should be early middle Xi Zhou dynasty but not early Xi Zhou dynasty .