
  • 网络Cost sharing;cost-sharing;Cost allocation
  1. 基于EOQ的集成供应成本分摊问题研究

    Study on Cost Allocation of Integrated Supply Based on EOQ Model

  2. 基于Shapley值的价值链合作企业成本分摊博弈分析

    Game Analyzing of Cooperating Enterprises Cost Allocation in Value Chain Based on Shapley Value

  3. 基于DEA联盟博弈核仁解的固定成本分摊方法研究

    The Methodological Study of Allocating the Fixed Cost Based on the Nucleolus in Data Envelopment Analysis and Cooperative Game

  4. 该文通过取消某些交易形成不同的联盟,提出了在双边交易中基于Shapley值的阻塞成本分摊方法。

    This paper presents Shapley value based on transmission congestion cost allocation in Bilateral model , by abolishing some bilateral transactions to form various coalitions .

  5. 然后利用Max-min满意度和公共权重的DEA固定成本分摊模型,将各省区行政区的碳排放量作为非期望产出,将其总和进行固定成本分摊。

    Then use DEA fixed cost allocation model based on Max-min satisfaction degrees and common set of weights , considering the carbon emissions of provinces and administrative regions as the undesirable output , their sum is considered as the fixed cost to be allocated .

  6. 成本分摊理论和竞价博弈方法在电力市场中的应用研究

    Applications of Cost Allocation Theory and Game Theory in Electricity Market

  7. 热电联产项目供热、供电成本分摊机制的研究

    Cost study of heat supply and electricity supply of cogeneration project

  8. 基于潮流组成分析及成本分摊的无功功率电价

    Reactive power pricing based on cost allocation through power flow tracing

  9. 产品地位系数及其在热电成本分摊中的应用

    Product Degree Coefficient and its Application in Thermoelectric Cost - apportion

  10. 热电联产的多样性与热电成本分摊方法适应性的探讨

    Discussion of Multiformity of Cogeneration and Adaptability of Thermoelectric Cost-apportion

  11. 多预想事故静态电压稳定约束阻塞管理及成本分摊

    Congestion Management and Cost Allocation Considering Static Voltage Stability Constraints Under Multi-contingency

  12. 基于实用安全域的电力系统安全成本分摊

    Practical Security Region Based Security Cost Allocation of Power Systems

  13. 论军事人力资本教育投资的成本分摊

    Cost sharing of the educational investment of military manpower capital

  14. 医疗服务项目成本分摊权重的模糊综合评价

    Fuzzy Multi-Evaluation of Cost Reallocation Weight for Health Service Items in China

  15. 基于模块化汽车产品研发成本分摊机制研究

    Research on Cost-sharing Mechanism Based on Modular Automotive Products R & D

  16. 基于潮流分解的输电成本分摊的改进方法

    The improved method of transmission cost allocation based on power flow decomposition

  17. 楼宇冷热电联供系统成本分摊方法研究

    Cost Allocation of Building Cooling , Heating , and Power Generation System

  18. 企业间合作创新的成本分摊与政府激励分析

    Analyzing on the Firms ' Cost Apportionment in Cooperative Innovation and Government Subsidy

  19. 同时对实施过程中的成本分摊及成本汇总等难点问题进行革新。

    In the process of implementation of cost and cost allocation problems consolidated .

  20. 德国成本分摊方法研究

    Research on method of cost allocation in Germany

  21. 热电联产机组燃料成本分摊和节能效益评价方法探讨

    Discussions on the fuel cost apportionment and energy-saving benefit evaluation methods for cogeneration units

  22. 一类供应链服务促销成本分摊研究

    Analysis on Division of SC Service Promotion Cost

  23. 线路潮流转归分量及其在固定成本分摊中的应用

    Imputation of Branch Power Flow Method and Its Application in Allocation of Fixed Cost

  24. 面向全电网用户的阻塞成本分摊方法

    User - oriented method for congestion cost allocation

  25. 大用户直购电辅助服务成本分摊机制

    Cost allocation designing of ancillary service for larger electricity customers supplied directly by suppliers

  26. 其中重点介绍了贷款担保工具和成本分摊协议制度。

    And it focus on the loan guarantee measures and cost sharing cooperative agreements .

  27. 电力市场中投标策略纳什均衡计算及安全成本分摊

    Computation of Bidding Strategies Nash Equilibrium and Allocation of Security Cost in Power Market

  28. 热电厂供热成本分摊新方法&热耗变换系数法好处归热法的新解与理论证明

    A new approach to cost sharing for a cogeneration PLANT-METHOD of heat rate transformation coefficient

  29. 提出了基于阻塞线路影响程度的阻塞成本分摊的原则。

    A priciple of congestion cost allocation based on the degree of involvement is proposed .

  30. 基于成本分摊的易逝品两级供应链利益分配分析

    The Analysis of Profit Allocation on Two-Stage Supply Chain for Perishable Products under Cost Allocation