
  1. 将一名公务员革职。一般事务人员任用升级分设委员会

    Remove a civil servant . General Service Appointment and Promotion Committee

  2. 试析人员任用的心理障碍问题

    An Analysis on Psychological Obstacles in Appointing Talents

  3. 一般事务人员任用升级分设委员会;

    General service appointment and promotion committee ;

  4. 司法人员任用联合咨询委员会

    Joint Advisory Council for judicial appointments

  5. 不同的政府机构在内部管理、资金运用、人员任用和绩效评估上,是怎样的,差别有哪些?

    Different government organ appoint in internal management , fund application , personnel with at performance assess , it is that how is it , which are the difference ?

  6. 各级学校得遴选优秀运动人才担任专任运动教练;其任用依教育人员任用条例之规定;其资格,由中央主管机关定之。

    Schools may invite outstanding athletes to be coaches according to the educational personnel employment act and the qualification requirements will be prepared by the responsible authority in the central government .

  7. 政事关系不明确,岗位设置不规范,人员任用、管理和绩效考评缺少可操作性,能上能下、能进能出的用人机制还没有形成;

    The relations between politics and public service unit is not clear , the post establishment is not standard , the personnel assignment and management , the achievements examination and critique are lack of operation , the effective personnel mechanism has not been formed ;

  8. 代表机构工作人员的任用或者变更手续是否完备;

    The completeness of the procedures for the appointments or changes of staff members of representative offices ;

  9. 靶场总监须对有关工作人员的任用资格作出决定。总监督(惩教署工业组)

    The Range Master shall make any decision related to an official 's participation . Chief Superintendent ( Correctional Services Industries )

  10. 该部分还详细论述了造册处人员的任用、晋级、奖惩、请假、迁调等事宜,并简要介绍了造册处编印贸易报告和贸易统计的职能。

    This part also discussed many things such as assignment , promotion , rewards and punishment , asking for leave and changing of personnel .

  11. 对企业内部及其所属子公司财务负责人员的任用、晋升、调动、奖惩提供意见;

    Put forward opinions on the employment , promotion , transfer , reward and punishment of the persons in charge of finance inside the enterprise and its subsidiaries .

  12. 人员的任用由选拔和任命构成,是指选拔人员担任一定的政府职务。没有进行校正/M工作/有指定负责人员或部门。

    To appoint public servants , consisting of selecting of appointing , means to select someone to take charge of some governmental duty . No calibration / PM activity conducted at all / not well-defined responsible staff or department .

  13. 国有企业经营管理中存在的管理人员选拔任用机制不合理、员工激励机制不健全、未能建立有效的评估体系、缺乏合理的薪酬结构、未能建立员工长期职业发展规划等是造成人才流失的根本原因;

    But the basic reason lays in mismanagement , such as the unreasonable mechanism for manager selection and appointment , the imperfect incentive mechanism , the failure to establish effective assessment systems , the absence of reasonable salary structures , and the lack of long-term staff development plans .

  14. 甚至领班或第一线的监督人员也有任用的责任。

    Even the foremen or first-level supervisors have a staffing responsibility .

  15. 希望通过人员招聘、任用、培训、调配、薪酬等方面进行有效管理。

    Hope that through recruitment , appointment , training , deployment , remuneration and other aspects of effective management .

  16. 从第一届高等文官考试及格人员的分发和任用可以窥见公务员考试选拔的艰难推行。

    From the first pass of higher civil service examination and appointment of staff is a vision of the distribution of civil service selection examinations difficult to implement .

  17. 同时,为企业投融资决策、公司治理和企业高层管理人员的选拔和任用等提出了理论指导。

    At the same time , the conclusions of this research offered the theoretical guidance for the corporate investment and financing decision , the corporate governance , the selection and appointment for the top managers .

  18. 研究表明,一些常见的社会认知偏差,如晕轮效应、刻板印象、首因效应、透明度错觉等,在人员的选拔和任用中既能产生消极的影响,又能产生积极的影响。

    Study results suggest that some social cognitive bias such as halo effect , stereotype , primary effect and illusion of transparency not only have negative impacts but also positive effects on the choice and employment of talents .

  19. 制定《中华人民共和国教育职员法》对于贯彻科学发展观,推进依法治校,为学校管理人员的选拔、任用、评聘、考核、教育、培训等提供法律依据有着十分重要而深远的意义。

    The establishment of law of education clerical staff is of great significance to carry out scientific development concept , promote the institution governance by law , and provide legislative protection for the selection , appointment , employment , assessment , education and training of the institution administrators .

  20. 任用个性活泼外向的人员担任主管人员的任用由选拔和任命构成,是指选拔人员担任一定的政府职务。

    To appoint public servants , consisting of selecting of appointing , means to select someone to take charge of some governmental duty .

  21. 证券公司应当配备足够的具有期货从业人员资格的业务人员,不得任用不具有期货从业人员资格的业务人员从事介绍业务。

    The securities company shall employ enough business staff with the qualification of futures practitionsers and shall not recruit business staff without the qualification of futures practitionsers to carry out the recommendation of business .