
  1. 沿海重要港口非中央投资项目的建设情况

    Construction situation of the coastal important port non - central investing projects

  2. 第二章中央政府投资项目类型与现行的管理模式分析。

    In the second chapter , the central government investment project types with the existing management model analysis were introduced .

  3. 制定非国有资本参与中央企业投资项目的办法,在金融、石油、电力、铁路、电信、资源开发、公用事业等领域,向非国有资本推出一批投资项目。

    We will formulate measures for non-state capital to participate in investment projects of central government enterprises , and allow non-state capital to participate in a number of projects in areas such as banking , oil , electricity , railway , telecommunications , resources development and public utilities .

  4. 80年代以来中央政府实行不平衡发展战略,把中央投资项目重点转向沿海地区,形成沿海发达地区中央项目人均投资额大大高于欠发达地区的人均投资额水平。

    Since 1980s , the central government carried uneven development strategy , the central investment was turned to the coastal region , so the per investment was much higher in the developed region than the developing region .