
  • 网络Dongfang Electric;DEC
  1. 东方电气的总体战略应采用增长性的战略。

    DEC overall strategic should adopt the growth strategy .

  2. 通过对东方电气的战略环境的分析研究,找到了外部环境中的机会和威胁,内部环境中的优势和劣势。

    Through the analysis of the DEC strategy environment , we found the opportunities and threats in the external environment and the strengths and weaknesses in the internal environment .

  3. 除了水电站,地震还破坏了四川的一些供电设施工厂,德阳的东方电气受损严重,几栋建筑物倒塌,数百人死亡。Destroy表示“完全破坏,消灭,摧毁,夺去人的生命”,被摧毁的物件不能再用。

    Apart from hydropower projects , the earthquake damaged some power equipment manufacturers in Sichuan including Dongfang Electric in Hanwang in Deyang that was badly damaged when several buildings collapsed , causing several hundred deaths .

  4. 对东方电气、上海电气(shanghaielectric)和哈尔滨动力(harbinpower)等中国电力供应商的限制,将进一步加剧印度与其最大贸易国之间的紧张局势。

    Restrictions on Chinese power suppliers such as Dongfang , Shanghai Electric and Harbin power , will add to tensions between India and its largest trading partner .

  5. 然后通过SWOT分析工具,提出了东方电气发展的可行战略,并进行了选择。

    Then we put forward a viable development strategy for DEC through SWOT analysis tool and made the choice .

  6. 作为回报,东方电气(DongfangElectric)、哈尔滨动力设备(HarbinPowerEquipment)和上海电气(ShanghaiElectric)等中国大型能源企业从越南获得了利润丰厚的电力设备供应合同,并在越南各地建设发电站。

    In return , large Chinese energy groups such as Dongfang Electric , Harbin Power Equipment and Shanghai Electric have been awarded lucrative contracts to provide equipment and build power stations across Vietnam .

  7. 东方电气(广州)重型机器有限公司发展战略研究

    Study for Development Strategies of Dongfang ( Guangzhou ) Heavy Machinery Co. , Ltd

  8. 中国东方电气集团公司在地震发生后的第一时间,立即组织职工实施救援。

    Dongfang Electric Corporation immediately organized its employees to relieve the disaster after the quake .

  9. 东方电气,记者在这额外的理由在实际的选择负责人。

    Dongfang Electric , a reporter out to the people in charge of the de facto choice in this additional reason .

  10. 面对经济全球化,中国东方电气集团公司(东方电气)正在努力树东方品牌和拓展国际生存空间。

    In view of the globalization of economies , Dongfang Electric Corporation of China is striving to establish its brand and expanding its space of survival internationally .

  11. 东方电气发展速度快,资产规模和营业收入增长快,盈利能力增长快,创造价值的能力逐年增强。

    Ltd. develops rapidly , property scale and operating revenue increase quickly , profit ability increase rapidly , the ability of value creation is strengthen year by year .

  12. 东方电气充分利用了杠杆效应为股东创造价值,但风险较大,上海电气风险较小。

    Ltd. well made use of the leverage effect to create value for shareholder , but the risk is stronger . In the other had the risk of Shanghai Electric Group Co. , Ltd. is smaller .

  13. 成都东方凯奇电气有限责任公司就是在此情况下于1999年底成立的一家从事大功率交流变频调速设备产业化生产的新兴技术企业。

    Just on the background Chengdu Dongfang Catch Electric Limited Company was registered in late 1999 to be engaged in the industrial manufacture of Power Variable Frequency Drive .