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  1. 乡土社会中人的生存、情爱、困惑和希望&长篇小说《东井山庄》的社会文本解读

    People 's Survival , Affection , Frustration and Hope in Rural Communities & An interpretation of the novel Dong-Jing Mountain Village

  2. 天东60井油管解堵工艺技术的研究

    Study on chemical cleaning technology of well Tiandong 60 tube scale

  3. 天东85井复杂层段钻井技术

    The drilling technique of the complex formation in well Tiandong 85

  4. 天东90井排水采气效果分析

    Effect analysis of gas recovery by water drainage for Tiandong well 90

  5. 天东9井引进天然气橇装脱水装置分析

    An analysis of the imported natural gas dehydration unit at well tiandong-9

  6. 红柳地区垦东6井声波测井资料识别层序地层单元界面的数学方法

    Identification of the sequence stratigraphical boundary using sonic log data by mathematical methods

  7. 同一油藏应用2种开发方式的探索与实践&以新滩油田垦东18-32井区为例

    Exploring and Practice of Two Kinds of Development Mode Applied to the Same Reservoirs

  8. 大港油田歧东二井井口保护装置抗冰性能研究

    Research on the Ice-Resistance Ability of Wellhead Protection Installation for Dagang Qidong # 2 Well

  9. 川东16井集气管道流型分析及排除管道内积水措施全通径射孔与杆式泵联作技术在排液采气井中的应用

    Flow Pattern Analysis and Accumulative Water Drainage Application of Technology of Full Bore TCP Combined in Gas Well with Water Drainage

  10. 详细介绍了胜利油田表层套管钻井技术整体方案设计、主要工具的研制及在垦东341井的现场试验情况。

    This paper presents the design of surface casing drilling in Shengli Oilfield , as well as development of main tools and the field application in Well Kendong-341 .

  11. 气藏存在两个独立水体,天东9井附近存在一个有限水体和气藏较大范围内的边水。

    In the gas reservoir , there exist two independent water bodies : a limited water body in the vicinity of well Tiandong-9 and the large-scale edge water in the gas reservoir .

  12. 选择丘东7井进行了分层开采工艺设计,为丘东凝析气藏分层开采提供了一种技术思路和方法。

    Chose the seventh well of Qiu Dong to proceed the layering exploitation technical design , for the layering exploitation to provide a kind of technique way of thinking with the method .

  13. 将此模型应用到金坛盐矿储气库改建项目,计算表明东1井改建储气库具有很好的经济效益。

    The economic evaluation model was applied to gas storage reconstruction project in Jintan salt mines . The calculation results show that the Dong 1 gas storage reconstruction project has very good economic benefits .

  14. 在包裹体测温和单井热史、生烃史恢复的基础上,运用包裹体方法分析了天东19井、磨13井和平昌1井的油气充注期次和充注时间。

    Based on homogenization temperature test of inclusion , resuming of hot history and hydrocarbon producing history , the infusing degrees and infusing time of Tiandong-19 well , Mo-13 well and Pingchang-1 well are investigated according to inclusion .

  15. 川东分枝定向井钻井液技术

    Technique of Dilling Fluid in Multiple Directional Well in East Sichuan

  16. 东秋5井是一口典型的异常高压低渗透地层预探井。

    Well Dong Qiu5 is a wildcat well with Abnormal High Pressure .

  17. 川东峰七井CT2&4缓蚀剂加注工艺及效果监测

    A study of injection technology and effect monitoring of corrosion inhibitor ct2-4 at well feng-7 in East Sichuan

  18. 总结了川东分枝定向井工艺技术规范,并通过现场实例予以充分论证。

    The technique stan - dard of the multiple directional drilling technology in East Sichuan was summed up and verified through field examples .

  19. 这套技术方法已经在牛东地区评价井、开发井中推广应用,并在老井治理和补层建议中取得了初步成效。

    It has been widely used in appraisal wells and development wells in block Niudong , and has taken notable effects in old well reconstruction and re-perforation recommendation .

  20. 本文利用小波变换的变焦特性及思想设计了一缩短地震子波长度、提高地震子波主瓣与旁瓣幅度比的算法,并将此算法运用于胜利油田孤岛东斜坡B701井三维地震数据处理中。

    By using the change focus characteristics of wavelet and its idea an algorithm for reducing the length of seismic wavelet and raising the amplitude ratio main part to side part in seismic wavelet has been designed in this paper .

  21. 空气钻井作为一种新的钻井技术已在四川油田川东地区的zbl井首次投入使用。

    As a new drilling technology , air drilling was first used in zbl well in the east district of Sichuan Oil field .

  22. 大港滩海赵东区块水平井裸眼砾石充填防砂完井技术

    Horizontal Well Open Hole Gravel Packing Sand Control Completion Technique Used in Zhaodong Block , Dagang Offshore

  23. 现场实验表明:增粘降滤压井液和泡沫冲砂洗井液适合川东低压气井修井作业;

    It is shown from the field experiment that the invented killing fluid and foam sand-washing fluid are adapt to well workover in the Chuangdong gas field ;

  24. 介绍口孜东矿中央回风井井筒冻结段内壁施工中,采用爬升式滑模施工工艺。

    It introduces that the central wind shaft of KuZiDong mine adopts the construction industrial art of the sliding pattern plate of covering the internal wall of shaft in the section of freezing shaft .

  25. 然后应用现代振动理论建立了油管柱振动分析模型和动力响应分析模型,并用川东地区的实际井况资料,系统地分析了油管柱在井下的振动特征;

    And then , we set up the analytical model of tubing vibration and dynamic response by applying the modern vibration theory , and systematically analyze the traits of the tubing string vibrating in the well bore based on the fact data of the east part of Sichuan ;