
  1. 论川东游击军的历史地位和作用

    On the Historical Position and Role of East Sichuan Guerrilla Force

  2. 川东游击军在中国革命的关键时刻作出了重大的历史贡献;

    It makes great contributions to Chinese revolutionary at the critical moment ;

  3. 川东游击军的革命业绩是一笔宝贵的历史财富。

    Its achievements are historical wealth .

  4. 在东枝的缅军东部军区司令部司令出面干预后冲突停止。

    The shooting stopped after the intervention of commander of Eastern Region Command based in Taunggyi .

  5. 第三次十字军对未来东地中海区域十字军和天主教世界扩张均产生深远影响。

    It had very far-reaching implications for the crusades to the Eastern Mediterranean and for the expansion of Catholic Christendom .