
  1. 或许我们当时看到的不是这个中国银行体系?

    Perhaps we were looking at the wrong banking system ?

  2. 中国银行体系贷款供给的决定及其对经济波动的影响

    On the Credit Supply and Its Effect on Economic Fluctuation in China

  3. 中国银行体系脆弱性的综合判断与测度

    On the Comprehensive Judgment and Measurement about the Fragility of Chinese Bank System

  4. 中国银行体系脆弱性问题的实证研究

    A Positive Study of Chinese Bank System Fragility

  5. 中国银行体系关系型信贷的有效性&基于宣告效应的研究

    The Availability of Relationship Credit in Chinese Banking System : Research Based on Announcement Effect

  6. 有关黄金市场的新指导原则,是中国银行体系逐步国际化的一部分。

    The new gold guidelines are part of the gradual internationalisation of the Chinese banking system .

  7. 一旦资本流入方向或速度发生重大变动,就可能对中国银行体系构成伤害。

    Any significant change in the direction or pace of capital inflows can hurt the banking system .

  8. 而在上世纪90年代,流行的是预测中国银行体系将会崩溃。

    In the 1990s , it was popular to predict that the Chinese banking system would collapse .

  9. 国内外的观察家们对中国银行体系的坏账问题以及脆弱性表示担忧。

    Observers at home and abroad expressed concern about bad debts and the fragility of the banking industry .

  10. 有人过去一直怀疑中国银行体系内的陷阱会被触发。

    Some people had long suspected there were booby traps waiting to be sprung inside the Chinese banking system .

  11. 中国银行体系的不良贷款率在10年前曾达到50%。

    China 's banking system had a non-performing loan ratio of more than 50 per cent a decade ago .

  12. 最后,本文构建了一个银行体系的稳定性框架,并提出了构建中国银行体系稳定性框架所需要的制度改革。

    At last , the thesis constructs the framework of banking stability , and put forward to the requiring institutional reform .

  13. 要解决这种不正常局面,只有改革中国银行体系为出口产能的建设放贷、抑制消费的习惯。

    This anomaly can be solved only by reforming the Chinese banking system 's consumption-depressing predilection for lending to build export capacity .

  14. 中国银行体系的脆弱性研究自亚洲金融危机以来受到人们的关注,银行体系脆弱性程度受到历史的现实的因素影响。

    Researches on Chinese banking system vulnerability which is affected by historical and reality factors have gained attention of scholars since African financial crisis .

  15. 而在中国银行体系面临的诸多问题中,银行的不良资产长期居高不下是最显著的问题。

    Among all the problems facing the Chinese bank industry , the non performing asset is the most emergent one to be resolved in the future .

  16. 过去十年,央行购入流入外汇,是中国银行体系创造基础货币的主要来源。

    For the past decade , central bank purchases of foreign exchange inflows were the main source of base money creation in China 's banking system .

  17. 不过,还有许多问题,其中既有最近中国银行体系陷入混乱的原因,又有它对中国经济的影响。

    However , many questions remain , both about the causes of the recent turmoil in China 's banking system and the implications for the Chinese economy .

  18. 城市商业银行的生存与发展,显然是继国有商业银行后,关系到中国银行体系健康发展的重要问题。

    The existence and development of city commercial banks is evidently essential , along with the state-owned banks , to the healthy development of China 's banking system .

  19. 尽管与中国银行体系的存款总额相比,余额宝吸纳的资金仍然很少,但资金从银行流向余额宝的速度正在不断加快。

    While it remains tiny compared with total deposits in the Chinese banking system , this migration of cash from banks to the Alibaba platform is only speeding up .

  20. 城市商业银行在中国银行体系中发挥着非常重要的作用,其存在和发展是区域经济发展和中小企业融资的需要。

    City Commercial Bank plays a very important role in the banking system of China , its existence and development is the needs of regional economy development and financing of SMEs .

  21. 中国银行体系总体上并未受到居民户提取存款的影响,主要是因为投资股票的资金没有离开银行系统,而且存款总额仍在继续增长。

    The overall banking system has not been affected by household withdrawals , mainly because cash spent on stocks does not leave the system , and overall deposits have continued to rise .

  22. 然而,据威廉姆斯表示,从信托公司中国银行体系以外的一种投资工具借款的中小企业,不得不为一年期的贷款支付高达20%的利率。

    However , smaller companies borrowing from trust companies – a type of investment vehicle outside the Chinese banking system – have to pay as much as 20 per cent for a one-year loan , according to Mr Williams .

  23. 中国银行体系主导的金融资源配置是低效率的,必须大力发展金融市场来提高金融体系配置资源的效率,并借此推动金融体系型态的演进。

    As in China financial resources allocation has a low efficiency , so it is important to develop the financial market in order to improve the efficiency of resources allocation in the financial system and the development of financial system form .

  24. 尽管中国银行体系总体上没有受到全球危机的影响,但据称外资银行和小型中资银行难以在国内银行间市场融资,原因是国际信贷紧缩使得即使是资金雄厚的国内银行也日益谨慎。

    While China 's banking system has generally shrugged off the effects of the global crisis , foreign and small Chinese banks have reportedly been finding it difficult to raise money in the domestic interbank market as the international credit freeze makes even cash-rich local lenders increasingly cautious .

  25. 北京方面正致力于关闭数以百计的“僵尸”企业,以纾解煤炭和钢铁行业产能过剩,但违约可能把臃肿的工业部门的债务问题转化为中国银行体系的新风险,后者正苦于难以摆脱沉重的不良贷款。

    Beijing is in the process of attempting to close hundreds of " zombie " companies in order to tackle overcapacity in the coal and steel sectors , but defaults risk transferring debt problems in the bloated industrial sector into fresh risks for a banking system struggling to rid itself of weighty non-performing loans .

  26. 外资银行渗透对中国银行业体系稳定性的影响&基于阶段理论与演化理论的实证研究

    The Impact of Foreign Bank Penetration on the Stability of China 's Banking System

  27. 加速建立中国商业银行体系

    On Establishment of Commercial Bank System in China

  28. 国际资本流动对中国商业银行体系稳定性的影响研究

    Study on Impact of International Capital Flow to the Stability of China 's Commercial Banking System

  29. 从某种角度而言,中国的银行体系与美国形成对照。

    The Chinese banking system in some sense is the mirror image of that of the US .

  30. 尽管在逐步改革,中国的银行体系仍由国有银行主导并形成垄断控制。

    Despite gradual reforms , the banking system is still dominated by state ownership and encapsulated monopolistic control .