
  • 网络Labor and Social Security Supervision;supervision on laboring security
  1. 加强与完善劳动保障监察制度的重要法律工具&写在《劳动保障监察条例》颁布之际

    Legal Instruments on Strenthening and Improving Labor Assurance Supervision System

  2. 建立劳动保障监察制度

    Setting Up a Labor Security Supervision System

  3. 自1993年以来,中国逐步建立了劳动保障监察制度。

    In 1993 , China embarked on the establishment of a supervision system for labor security .

  4. 目前市劳动保障监察支队已介入调查。

    Currently the municipality labors guarantee 's overseeing to pay a party insertion have been already investigated .

  5. 国务院出台《劳动保障监察条例》分析

    The analysis of " the regulations on labor protection and supervision " issued by the State Council

  6. 试析《劳动保障监察条例》在我国社会保险制度运行中的作用

    Analysis on Functions of the Regulation of Labor Insurance and Supervision in Social Insurance System of China

  7. 第二部分主要写目前我国劳动保障监察制度存在的问题、造成的危害及其原因进行了分析。

    The second part mainly analyses the problems of labor security supervision system , harms and formation reasons .

  8. 《劳动保障监察条例》是我国劳动保障执法方面的专门法规。

    The Regulation of Labor Insurance and Supervision is a special law on enforcement of labor security in our country .

  9. 劳动保障监察在建立和谐劳动关系中的作用民事检察监督的实证考察与制度保障

    The Role of Labor and Social Security to Monitor the Establishment of Harmonious Labor Relations Research on the Civil Prosecutorial Supervision

  10. 以用好人才为基础,吸引和留住人才用好这把剑&有感于《劳动保障监察条例》的实施

    Attract and retain qualified personnel on the basis of using their talent to the fullest make best use of the sword

  11. 劳动保障监察的对象为所有企业和个体工商户等用人单位。

    Labor and Social Security to monitor the targets for all enterprises and individual employers , such as industrial and commercial households .

  12. 农民工权益的法律保障&解读《劳动保障监察条例》

    The Legal Protection of the Rights and Benefits of the Peasant Workers & To interpret The Regulations of Labor Insurance and Supervision ;

  13. 本部分从明确规定被派遣劳动者结社权、明确规定雇主的责任和义务、强化劳动保障监察三个方面进行阐述。

    Including the right of association of workers , clearly stipulates the responsibilities and obligations of employers and strengthening of labor security supervision .

  14. 第一部分阐明理论基础,明确了劳动保障监察的含义、特征和作用,为下文分析奠定基础。

    The first part of the paper , the theoretical basis , the labor security supervision of the meaning , features and functions , and lay the foundation for the analysis below .

  15. 我国《劳动保障监察条例》的制定,为劳动者尤其是农民工合法权益的保障提供了明确的法律依据。

    The formation of The Regulations of Labor Insurance and Supervision in China provides explicit legal basis for the insurance of workers ' , especially the peasant workers ' lawful rights and benefits .

  16. 最后,根据有权力就有救济的原则,从两方面讨论了如何将劳动保障监察中责令改正行为的救济纳入行政复议和行政诉讼体系。

    Finally , according to the principle of " where there is a right there is a remedy ", this article debates how to put the remedy in the administrative review system and the administrative appeal system in two aspects .

  17. 劳动保障监察制度作为劳动法基础理论研究以及劳动保障监察部门执法实践中的主要内容,是新时代各个国家依照法律授权对劳动关系进行法律规制与调整的重要方式。

    As the key component in basic theoretical research of Labor Law and law enforcement practice of labor security supervision department , labor security supervision system is a major means to carry regulation and adjustment of law towards labor relation authorized by law in each modern country .

  18. 第四部分提出意见和建议,主要从提升执法观念、完善监察法制、深化体制改革、加强能力建设、健全长效机制等方面来加强劳动保障监察建设。

    The fourth part puts forward opinions and Suggestions , mainly from improve law enforcement concepts , improve the supervision legal system , deepening the reform of the system , strengthening the capacity building , and improving the long-term mechanism to strengthen labor security supervision system construction , etc.

  19. 通过对比,可以证明劳动保障监察中的责令改正行为是劳动保障监察部门针对违反劳动保障监察法律法规的违法行为作出的不同于行政处罚、行政强制措施、行政命令的一项独特的行政处理行为。

    By contrast , it can be proved that it is a different action with the administrative punishment , the mandatory administrative measures and the administrative orders which is done by the supervision department of the labor security to the act in violation of the labor security regulations .

  20. 单位要向职工通报本单位缴纳社会保险费的情况,对拒不通报缴费情况的,职工有权向劳动保障监察或社会保险监督机构举报。

    The unit should report the case of insurance premium of this unit pay society to the worker , do not report capture to expend a circumstance to refus , the worker has authority to be ensured to labor censorial or the society is safe supervisory orgnaization is informed against .

  21. 劳动保障和谐监察模式的构建与思考

    Constructing Harmonious Model of Labor Security Supervision and Its Thinking

  22. 构建我国劳动保障和谐监察模式的思考

    A Thought of Establishment of Our National Labor Protection and Harmonious Supervision System

  23. 为促使人才租赁事业健康发展,应在转变观念、健全法律法规、发展高素质服务机构和加强劳动保障、监察等方面下功夫。

    To change the present situation , efforts are required to reform the traditional conception , improve the relevant laws and regulations , develop quality services providers , enhance awareness of labor protection and supervision .

  24. 健全劳动标准体系和劳动关系协调机制,加强劳动保障监察和争议调解仲裁,构建和谐劳动关系。

    We should improve the system of labor standards and the mechanism for harmonizing labor relations , strengthen supervision of labor protection and labor dispute mediation and arbitration , and build harmonious labor relations .

  25. 转型中的当代中国劳动监察体制:基于治理视角的一项整体性研究建立劳动保障监察制度

    Labor Inspection Regime in Transition in Contemporary China : An Integrated Research from the Perspective of Governance Setting Up a Labor Security Supervision System