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  1. 三题合一,直令人神往心驰。

    Three themes in one , which wondrous scope affords .

  2. 右腋下直切口心内直视术术后病人的呼吸管理

    Respiratory management of postoperative patients underwent intracardiac operation under direct vision via armpit vertical incision

  3. 随着冷风消失了,冷风直吹入我的心间。

    Gone with the cold wind , that swept into my heart .

  4. 我靠墙边站直了身,心还像敲鼓似的咚咚跳,但心中还闪现出一线希望。

    I stood straight up against the wall , my heart still going like a sledge-hammer , but with a ray of hope now shining in my bosom .