
  • 网络Direct addressing
  1. 其他平台可使用硬件协助的虚拟化,这有望通过对主机CPU的直接寻址实现更高效的虚拟化。

    Other platforms can use hardware-assisted virtualization , which promises more efficient virtualization through direct addressing of host CPUs .

  2. X-DSP提供七种基本寻址方式,分别为立即寻址、绝对寻址、累加器寻址、直接寻址、间接寻址、存储器映射寄存器寻址和堆栈寻址。

    X-DSP offers seven basic addressing modes , they are immediate addressing , absolute addressing , accumulator addressing , direct addressing , indirect addressing , memory-mapped register addressing , and stack addressing .

  3. 新的seedlist格式现在还包括新的可以直接寻址内容的POCURI。

    The new seedlist format also now includes the new POC URIs that address the content directly .

  4. 由于不对Portlet直接寻址,而只是间接地作为聚合页面的一部分进行访问,因而Portlet没有包含此导航状态的直接URL。

    Because the portlet is not addressed directly , but only indirectly as part of an aggregated page , there is no direct URL to the portlet that contains this navigational state .

  5. 在操作系统实现指令对文件的直接寻址

    Implement Instructions Access Files Directly in Operating Systems

  6. 访问主存最显而易见的寻址模式称为直接寻址模式。

    The most obvious addressing mode for accessing main memory is called direct addressing mode .

  7. 可直接寻址存储器公用区

    Directly addressable storage common area

  8. 本文分析了MCS&51指令系统的结构、特点和直接寻址空间的组成,介绍了反汇编程序设计方法和反汇编打印接口。

    A Procedure for the design of MCS & 51 disassembler print module and its print interface is introduced .

  9. 这就像是直接寻址模式的最终地址在汇编或链接时就知道了一样。

    It is similar to direct addressing mode in that the final address is known at either assemble or link time .

  10. 但关于直接寻址随机分段录放音的应用方面,技术说明少见,不少应用的设计者感到很难掌握。

    But the method of record and playback directly addressing subsection randomly is infrequent , this is hard to most engineer .

  11. 该微处理器主要由控制器、运算器和寄存器组成,具有指令控制、操作控制、时间控制和数据加工等基本功能,其指令长度为16位定长,采用立即寻址和直接寻址两种方式。

    The microprocessor mainly consists of controller , operator and registers , and have the basic functions of instruction control , operation control , time control and data process . Its instruction length is 16 bits .

  12. 在无地址空间操作系统中,没有进程虚拟空间的概念,指令直接对文件寻址,进程直接在文件上运行。

    In the NASOS , there is no process virtual address space , instructions access files directly and processes run on files .