
  • 网络inflation;dilatometry;eXPansion;RESS
  1. 连续冷却转变(CCT)曲线的建立主要应用膨胀法,并辅助以金相分析法来精确分析不同工艺条件下的相变点。

    The continuous cooling transformation ( CCT ) curve was constructed chiefly by means of dilatometry , and combined with metallography to exact fix on the phase transition points of different cooling rate .

  2. 利用膨胀法,结合金相法,测定了X60不同冷却速度下连续冷却转变的膨胀曲线,获得了该钢的连续冷却转变曲线(动态CCT曲线);

    The expanding curves and continuous cooling transformation curve ( dynamic CCT curve ) of X60 pipeline steel were obtained by dilatometry and microscopic test under different cooling speed .

  3. 关于激波-膨胀法-阶和二阶理论的适用范围和衔接Junction是一个意义的合成,只表达一个意义;

    The applicability and junction of the first order and second - order shock-expansion methods junction is a composite .

  4. 用热膨胀法测量He-Ne增益管正柱区的气体温度

    Measurement of gas temperature in the positive column region of He-Ne gain laser tubes by thermal expansion method

  5. 根据Burnett〔1〕所提出的多次膨胀法原理设计了气体和气体混合物的PVT测定装置。

    The P-V-T measuring device for gas and gas mixtures was designed according to the principle of multiple expansion advanced by Burnett .

  6. 用溶胶凝胶膨胀法对花岗岩AAR的初步研究

    Application of Sol Gel Expansion Method for Studying Reactivity of Granite Aggregates

  7. 房屋使用阶段安全状态多层次模糊综合评判使用多次容积膨胀法,测量池在两次不同的膨胀中测定CO2含量。

    State assessment on the existing building ; Using the Multiple Volume Expansion method , the CO2 content is determined at two different volume expansions of the measuring chamber .

  8. 利用膨胀法、金相、XRD法研究了冷却速度对Fv520(B)钢Ms点及其组织的影响。

    The effects of cooling rate on Ms and microstructures of Fv520 ( B ) steel have been studied by hot expansion method , micro scopic test and XRD .

  9. 采用四种方法(DSC法、压片法、热膨胀法、挤出法)研究了聚苯乙烯和聚甲基丙烯酸甲酯类无定形高聚物的液-液转变温度。

    Four methods ( DSC , compression molding , thermal expansion , extrudate swell ) are used to observe the liquid-liquid transition temperature of polystyrene and poly ( methyl-methacrylate ) .

  10. 在Fe-Mn-Al-Cr系亚稳奥氏体区内,用膨胀法测定了40种合金的γ→ε-马氏体转变温度M(es)。

    The γ→ε martensite transformation temperature M_ (ε s ) of 40 metastable austenitic alloys in an Fe-Mn-Al-Cr system was determined by dilatometry .

  11. 介绍了超临界流体快速膨胀法、超临界流体抗溶剂技术、浸渍法、化学反应法、雾化气体饱和溶液法等超临界CO2技术制备微胶囊的原理和特点;

    Supercritical fluid technology , including rapid expansion of supercritical solution , supercritical antisolvent , dipping , reaction and atomization of gas-saturated solution etc. used to encapsulate microparticles and the principles and characteristics of these methods are reviewed .

  12. 该文采用超临界流体快速膨胀法(RESS)微细化植物甾醇颗粒。

    In this paper , the micronization of phytosterol particles is researched by the RESS ( rapid expansion of supercritical solutions ) process .

  13. 在热模拟试验机上采用膨胀法并结合金相组织观察,测定了含钼和不含钼的试验钢贝氏体转变CCT曲线。

    The CCT curve of the bainite transformation of the Mo bearing and Mo free trial steel has been measured and the metallographic structure of the steels observed by expansion method in a thermo-simulation machine .

  14. 采用映射膨胀法构造两种不同的Sierpinski地毯,运用MonteCarlo方法研究两种Sierpinski地毯中的有限扩散凝聚(DLA)生长。

    We construct two different kinds of Sierpinski carpets by means of Mapping Dilation Method , and apply Monte Carlo method to study Diffusion Limited Aggregation ( DLA ) growth in two different kinds of Sierpinski carpets .

  15. 采用热膨胀法和金相法相结合测绘管线钢X80的CCT曲线,并研究冷却速率对组织和硬度的影响规律。

    The CCT curves of pipeline steel X80 were drawn by adopting dilatometer and metallographic method , and the effects of cooling rates on microstructure and hardness of the steel were studied .

  16. 本文用改进的二阶激波-膨胀法导出了旋成体法向力静导数的二阶Eggers公式,并计算了俯仰尼阻导数。

    In this paper , the improved second-order shock-expansion method has been extended to calculate pitching damping derivatives of bodies of revolution .

  17. 目的观察在绵羊急性呼吸窘迫综合征(ARDS)模型上利用控制性肺膨胀法(SI)实施肺复张策略对血流动力学及肺组织结构的影响,以期找到实施SI的理想压力及时间范围。

    Objective To evaluate the effects of lung recruitment maneuver ( RM ) on hemodynamics and lung structure with sustained inflation ( SI ) in acute respiratory distress syndrome ( ARDS ) in sheep , to look for a safe range of pressure and time of SI .

  18. 利用膨胀法结合金相硬度法,在Gleeble1500热模拟机上测定了35K钢的临界点Ar1,Ar3以及Ms;

    By dilatometric change referencing microscopic test and hardness measurement , the critical points at Ar_1 , Ar_3 and with Ms of 35K are determined respectively through Gleeble 1500 thermal mechaical simulation .

  19. 在Gleeble1500D热模拟机上,利用热膨胀法测定了含铌微合金钢连续冷却转变曲线(CCT曲线),分析了成分对冷却转变的影响,为进一步制定生产工艺提供了依据。

    CCT curve of Nb microalloy steel was measured on Gleeble 1500D hot simulator by using hot expansion method and the effect of chemical composition on cooling transformation was analysed , which provided basis for formulating the practical production process .

  20. 同时利用膨胀法和差示扫描量热法测定了两种钢的相变点Ac1、Accm和Ms。然后对试样进行了不同工艺的低温等温转变处理。

    At the same time the transformation points , Ac1 , Accm and Ms were measured using thermal dilatometer and differential scanning calorimeter . Then different isothermal transformation treatments of the steels were carried out .

  21. 用均相成核理论分析了超临界CO2快速膨胀法(RESS)制备灰黄霉素微细颗粒过程中的预膨胀操作。

    The pre expansion operation of rapid expansion of supercritical solution ( RESS ) is investigated by classical homogeneous nucleation theory in this article . Griseofulvin will not deposit from the supercritical CO 2 even though the supersaturation increases with the increasing pre expansion temperature .

  22. 在Gleeble-1500热/力模拟机上采用热分析法和热膨胀法测试内磁屏蔽钢在不同试验工艺参数下的相变点,分析不同试验工艺参数对其影响并建立3种试验工艺下的CCT曲线。

    Transformation points of inter-magnetic shielded steel were measured on Gleeble-1500 thermal / mechanical simulator by methods of thermal analysis and thermal expansion , and three kinds of CCT curves were constructed and the effects of different processing parameters were investigated .

  23. 利用热/力模拟试验机研究了C-Si-Mn系TRIP钢在不同连续冷却条件下的组织变化情况,用热膨胀法绘制了动态CCT曲线,分析了冷却速度对组织的影响。

    The phase transformation and microstructure of a C-Si-Mn TRIP steel during continuous cooling after ausforming were studied by hot simulation experiment machine . The continuous cooling transformation curves were drawn using thermal dilation method , and the influence of the cooling rate on the microstructure was analyzed .

  24. 为此,针对膨胀法轻烃回收低温分离工艺,以烃类工业中最普遍的状态方程之一BWRS状态方程为热力学计算基础模型,它能够在广泛的温度压力范围内很好的确定轻烃的相行为。

    For these reasons , aiming at the low temperature separate method of light hydrocarbon recovery , the universal applied BWRS state equation has been used to calculate the component 's thermodynamic characters of natural gas .

  25. 用岩相法、砂浆棒快速法、溶胶-凝胶膨胀法和混凝土棱柱体法,联合研究了砂岩骨料的碱硅酸反应(ASR)活性,评价了粉煤灰对该砂岩ASR膨胀的抑制效果。

    The alkali-silica reaction ( ASR ) of sandstone aggregate is determined by means of petrographic examination , mortars-bar test and sol-gel expansion test as well as concrete prism expansion method ; and the effect of fly ash on inhibiting the ASR expansion occurred in the sandstone is evaluated .

  26. 新型膨胀法测压装置

    A new kind of device of testing pressure with expansion method

  27. 利用静态膨胀法真空装置和质谱计校准标准漏孔

    Calibration Leaks Using the Static Expansion Vacuum Standard and Mass Spectrometer

  28. 带选择性吸气泵的膨胀法高真空规校准系统

    An Expansion High Vacuum Gauge Calibration System with Selective Getter Pumps

  29. 软模热膨胀法成型发动机燃烧室壳体贴壁内衬

    Flexible Thermal Expansion Molding of a Combustion Chamber Liner Formet

  30. 静态膨胀法校准压力的温度修正

    Temperature correction for Calibra tion pressure of static expansion method