
  • 网络Expansion arm;expanding arm
  1. 双臂对称型PTA将膨胀臂长度方向的伸长量转化为自由端的偏转量,提高了驱动机构的性能。

    Double arm symmetric PTA transforms length increment of heated arm to deflection at the free end and improves its performance .

  2. 优化型微膨胀臂根据光热膨胀的特点对基本型微膨胀臂的结构进行了改进。

    Optimized micro expansion arm improves structure of basic micro expansion arm .

  3. 基本型微膨胀臂直接利用微膨胀臂的光热膨胀效应实现微纳米级的微驱动。

    Basic micro expansion arm utilize length increment to realize micro drive directly .

  4. 该微驱动器由两个光热膨胀臂构成,两者在自由端相互连接,而在固定端分别通过细桥与基底相连。

    Each microactuator consists of two PT arms that are jointed at the free end and connected to an anchor at the fixed end .

  5. 当膨胀臂被激光加热时迅速伸长,由于自身的惯性,移动滑块基本上保持静止。

    While being heated by a laser beam , expansion arm extends rapidly , and the motion block remains still due to its own inertial .