
pénɡ zhànɡ xìnɡ shēnɡ zhǎnɡ
  • expansive growth
  1. 原发性肿瘤呈膨胀性生长,继发肿瘤多呈浸润性改变。

    The primary clivus tumor demonstrated expansive growth , while the secondary tumor displayed invasive extension .

  2. 良性肿块多表现为边界光滑,这与其呈膨胀性生长有完整包膜有关;

    The benign lump mostly presented a smooth boundary , which resulted from its complete capsule due to expansive growth ;

  3. 脊柱巨细胞瘤多呈偏心性膨胀性生长,骨髓瘤呈溶骨性或穿凿样骨质破坏,MRI上形成盐和胡椒征。

    The giant cell tumor of bone were presented as eccentric , expanding bone destruction . Myeloma appeared as irregular or bit like bone destruction , MRI on the formation of " salt and pepper " sign performance .

  4. 垂体腺瘤、Rathke囊肿和颅咽管瘤大致呈膨胀性生长,推压周围结构;

    Pituitary adenomas , Rathke 's cleft cyst and craniopharyngioma developed expansively , oppressing peripheral structures .

  5. 结果:胸骨肿瘤具有膨胀性生长的倾向;

    Results : Sternal tumors had expansive developing tendency ;

  6. 结果人胃癌裸小鼠皮下异种移植瘤呈膨胀性生长,侵袭性不明显;

    ResultsThe subcutaneous xenografts of human gastric carcinoma in nude mice presented as expanding outgrowths with limited invasion .

  7. 结果小肠粒细胞肉瘤的特点是肿瘤浸润呈膨胀性生长,原组织构架可保留,组织常无广泛破坏;

    Results The tissues infiltrated by the small intestinal granulocytic sarcoma were expanded , but the tissue architecture was preserved without extensive tissue destruction .

  8. 双峰驼肝脏脂肪瘤呈浸润性生长和膨胀性生长,尤其以浸润性生长为主,脂肪瘤无明显包膜,对周围肝组织造成严重的损害。

    The pathological observation showed that there were no capsule and infiltrative growth in most lipomas , and the surrounding liver tissue was damaged seriously .

  9. 呈膨胀性生长者占13%(6/46),5年全部生存。

    The growth pattern in 13 % ( 6 / 46 ) cases was expansive ; and 5 year survival rate was 100 % ( 6 / 6 ) .

  10. 大多数原发性胃间质瘤有潜在恶性,它们倾向于膨胀性生长造成邻近器官被压迫,但非浸润性生长,极少侵犯邻近脏器。

    Most primary gastric stromal tumors are potentially malignant . They tend to cause swelling of the growth of oppression , rather than the invasive growth , and very few violations of adjacent organs .

  11. 结果:47例良性病变为液性或混杂密度,12例病变膨胀性生长致上颌窦内侧壁或筛窦、蝶窦骨壁破坏,而44例有骨质增生。

    Results : The benign lesions in 47 cases presented liquid or mixed density , 12 of them had destruction of medical wall of maxillary sinus and wall of ethmoid sinus and sphenoid sinus , 44 had hyperplasia of bony wall .