
  • 网络expansion refrigeration
  1. 透平膨胀制冷回收轻烃有关问题的探讨

    Discussion on light hydrocarbon recovering by turbine expansion refrigeration

  2. 透平膨胀制冷在高温矿井降温中的应用

    Application of turbine expansion refrigeration in high temperature mines

  3. 将天然工质N2O用于跨临界循环,建立了相应的理论模型,比较了CO2和N2O用于跨临界两级压缩膨胀制冷循环的性能。

    The results show that N2O plays a better comprehensive performance than CO2 in transcritical two stage compression expander refrigeration cycle .

  4. 空气循环膨胀制冷的液体空分流程采用LNG冷量代替了空气外循环制冷,简化了制冷系统,与原始流程相比,液态产品的单位能耗降低约49%;

    Instead of air and nitrogen expanding refrigeration unit , LNG cold energy was used respectively to pre-cool the material air and cycle nitrogen in the two systems .

  5. 渔船R-22直接膨胀制冷系统研究

    Research on R-22 direct expansion system used on fishing boat

  6. 冷剂制冷和透平膨胀制冷循环的热力学分析比较

    Thermodynamical Analysis And Comparision of Refrigerant Refrigeration And Turbo-expansion Refrigeration Cycle

  7. 膨胀制冷工艺在天然气液化分离中的应用

    Application of the Expanding Refrigeration Technology to Natural Gas Liquefying Separation

  8. 利用空气膨胀制冷的地下冷库

    An Underground Cold Storage Using Air-Expansion Refrigeration Technique

  9. 乙烯装置中尾气膨胀制冷及对深冷分离的影响

    Expansion Refrigeration of Tail Gas in Ethylene Plant and Its Effect on Cryogenic Separation

  10. 膨胀制冷轻烃回收工艺技术

    Expansion Refrigeration Light Hydrocarbon Recovery Technique

  11. 文中介绍了两种用于生产精细胶粉的高效制冷系统:空气涡轮膨胀制冷系统和氨-乙烷复叠式制冷系统。

    This paper reports two economical cooling systems for pulverization at low temperature : air turbine cooling system and ammonia / ethane cascade cooling system .

  12. 在简述阶式制冷工艺、混合制冷工艺和膨胀制冷工艺的基础上,介绍了上述3套国内液化天然气工厂的工艺原理。

    With describing the cascade refrigeration technique , the mixing refrigeration technique , and the expanding refrigeration technique , the working principle of the above 3 LNG plants is introduced .

  13. 介绍蒽醌法生产双氧水装置中,用活性炭纤维吸附和透平膨胀制冷两种技术处理氧化尾气的原理、工艺流程。

    It mainly introduces two technical principle and process flow of activated carbon fiber adsorption and turbine expansion refrigeration used in off-gas treatment in hydrogen peroxide production by anthraquinone process .

  14. LNG生产流程主要有混合制冷循环流程、膨胀机制冷的循环流程、带循环压缩机的天然气膨胀机制冷循环流程等三类。

    LNG producing recycling processes mainly include the mixed cold producing medium , expander refrigeration and gas expander refrigeration with a recycling compressor .

  15. 直接膨胀式制冷系统

    Direct expansion refrigeration system

  16. 本文对户式中央空调常规单向膨胀阀制冷系统与常规双向膨胀阀制冷系统进行论述,并针对常规双向膨胀阀制冷系统的缺点,提出了改进意见。

    This article comment on the refrigerating system of normal single ported thermostatic expansion valve and normal double ported thermostatic expansion valve to provide the improvement ad - vice .

  17. 在此基础上,根据膨胀机制冷的天然气凝液回收流程特点,采用序贯模块方法,用直接迭代法对工艺流程进行了模拟计算,并给出设计实例和计算结果。

    On the base , depending on the characteristic of the NGL recovery process by the expander refrigeration , the paper takes a simulation calculation for the technics process by adopting the Sequential Modular Approach and the directness iteration , and offers the design calculation example and the calculation result .

  18. 膨胀机是制冷工艺的主要设备,通过分析影响膨胀机制冷效率的因素,提出了提高膨胀机效率的方法及膨胀机安全连锁的DCS控制方法。

    Expander refrigeration is the main equipment for refrigeration technique . by analyzing the impact of the efficiency factor , this paper proposes a method to improve the efficiency of the expander and another method for safety chain in DCS control .

  19. 本文在分析氨的热力性质的基础上,讨论一种简明、高效的氨制冷系统&带满液式蒸发器的直接膨胀供液制冷系统,来替代CFCs和HCFCs制冷剂的可能性。

    In the article , a simple and high efficient , once-through ammonia refrigeration system with flooded evaporator , is presented to explore the possibility of replacement of CFCs and HCFCs , ammonia .

  20. 直接膨胀在氨制冷系统的应用探讨

    The Application Discussion of Direct Expansion in Ammonia Refrigeration System

  21. 结霜工况下重力供液与直接膨胀供液制冷系统运行特性

    Operating characteristics experiment of refrigeration system with supply liquid refrigerant by gravity and direct expansion in frost formation operating mode

  22. 提出利用流程计算软件来计算膨胀机的制冷量的方法;

    It brings forth the new method to calculate the refrigerating capacity produced by an expander , using process calculation software .

  23. 在此,我们将介绍一下制冷循环系统,和一些与热力膨胀阀式制冷系统类型的热转移相关的基本原则。

    Here , we look at the refrigerant cycle , and the basic principles associated with the heat transfer around the thermal expansion valve type .

  24. 通过模拟,对深度膨胀气波制冷机工作时内部温度、压力分布进行了研究,提出了通过设置稳压口降低低温端口压力,进而增大制冷温降的方法,取得了较好效果。

    Through the study of the formation of the pressure of the low temperature gas , the way of setting a WP port to increase the temperature drop is proposed and it is then proved to be effective by the simulation .

  25. 本文对动磁式直线压缩机关键部件及整机特性分别进行了理论和实验研究,并成功研制出国内首台基于动磁式直线压缩机的牛津型自由压缩、膨胀活塞斯特林制冷机。

    In this paper , the performances of the key components of moving magnet linear compressor and compressor itself have been studied experimentally and theoretically respectively . As a result , the first prototype of moving magnet linear compressor has been manufactured successfully .

  26. 膨胀接触蒸发式制冷的实验与分析

    An experiment and analysis for expansion direct contact evaporation refrigeration

  27. 双级氮膨胀天然气液化制冷循环流程优化

    Optimization of natural gas liquefaction in the nitrogen two-expanders cycle

  28. 试验结果表明,在电子膨胀阀容量与制冷系统容量选型不完全匹配时,电子膨胀阀具有非线性的流量特性。

    The result indicates that non-linear characteristic of flow rate occurs when the capacities of electronic expansion valve and refrigerating system do not match .

  29. 制冷机的作用是压缩制冷剂,如安或氟利,使它获得机械能,而后膨胀气化吸热而制冷。

    The chiller is compressed refrigerants , such as Ann or fluorine , and make it , then get energy absorption and refrigeration inflation gasification .

  30. 针对空调机制冷系统中节流装置&热电膨胀阀进行了制冷系统启动和稳定运行下实验研究。

    Experiment is studied on the start and run of air conditioner cooling system in view of capillary , thermal expansion valve , thermoelectricity expansion valve .