
  • 网络Foreign exchange rate;Interest Rate
  1. 渣打(StandardChartered)大中华区外汇、利率和信用交易主管冯思果(CharlesFeng)表示,欧洲企业使用人民币进行贸易结算的兴趣迅速升温,对期权市场的活动起到了推波助澜的作用。

    Charles Feng , head of FX , rates and credit trading for Greater China at Standard Chartered , said interest from European companies in using renminbi to settle trade was growing rapidly , fuelling activity in the options market .

  2. 外汇和利率的某些波动,加上相对温和的政府债券违约,可能会抹杀这些优势。

    Certain moves in currencies and interest rates combined with relatively modest government bond defaults may negate these advantages .

  3. 世界银行率先使用货币掉期,用以抵御外汇和利率风险。

    The World Bank pioneered currency swaps , and uses swaps to protect against foreign exchange and interest rate risk .

  4. 今年9月,大额外汇存款利率、外汇贷款利率放开,利率走出了市场化的第一步。

    The first step of interest market oriented reform has been made since Sept. 2000 , with the opening of the foreign currency deposit and loan interest .

  5. 如今,投行业只能将希望寄托于竞争对手减少、利润率上升以及客户对外汇、利率与大宗商品交易的需求迅速增加。

    The industry is now pinning its hopes on fewer competitors , higher margins and a surge in client demand for trading foreign exchange , interest rates and commodities .

  6. 在此基础上,提出了利用金融市场交易规避高速公路外汇贷款利率风险和汇率风险的几种方案及其比较分析。

    This paper , based on the use of financial market transaction evades foreign exchange loan interest rate risk expressway and the exchange rate risk and comparative analysis of several schemes .

  7. 最明显的是,在与另一家银行或公司达成外汇或利率衍生品交易时,银行通常会要求对手方提供一些抵押品,以确保如果另一方破产,银行能够收回欠款。

    Most notably , when a bank cuts a foreign exchange or interest rate derivatives deal with another bank or company , it will typically demand the counterparty post some collateral to ensure the bank can recover money owed if the other party goes bust .

  8. 通过对远期外汇协议以及利率互换风险的评测,使表外业务的风险评估成为可能;

    We have found some ways to evaluate the risks of Foreign Exchange Forward Contract and Interest Rate Swaps ;

  9. 批发银行业务为跨国公司、区域性和国内大公司及金融机构提供服务,项目包括贸易资金、现金管理、托管、借贷、外汇兑换、利率管理和借贷资本市场。

    The Wholesale Bank provides services to multinational , regional and domestic corporate and institutional clients in trade finance , cash management , custody , lending , foreign exchange , interest rate management and debt capital markets .

  10. 前者包括离岸金融的外汇制度、利率制度、税收制度和银行营运制度,后者包括监管模式的选择、监管内容的设定、专门监管机构的设置等内容。

    The former includes foreign currency regulation , interest rate mechanism , tax system , bank operating system . The latter includes the selection of management model , the set of the contents on supervision and special regulator and so on .

  11. 融资和外汇市场上人民币利率的大幅上升,也反映了流动性状况的意外收紧。

    The surge in Renminbi interest rates in funding and forex markets also reflects an unexpected tightening of liquidity conditions .

  12. 相反,真正应该担心的是,外汇储备以及低利率资金带来的过剩的流动性大量涌入股票市场。

    Instead , the real concern is that excess liquidity , as a result of the surge in foreign-exchange reserves and low interest rates , is flooding into shares .

  13. 当然,外汇基金价格视利率水平而定,可升可跌,大家都应记住。

    But we all should not forget , of course , that the prices of exchange fund notes can go up as well as down , depending on the level of interest rates .

  14. 对人民币汇率形成机制的相关配套措施的完善包括:完善外汇市场;推进利率市场化改革;改革银行体系。

    The relevant supporting measures for perfecting the formation mechanism of RMB exchange rate include : improve the foreign exchange market ; propel the market-oriented reforms of the interest rate ; reform the banking system .