
  • 网络Kings College London;King's College London;King University
  1. 伦敦国王大学的约翰温曼教授在此次大会上说:“这些研究结果会对病人有所帮助,并且对于探索干预治疗各种手术病人的办法也是很重要的。”

    Professor John Weinman of king 's College London told the BPS conference : " these research findings can help patients and will be important for developing interventions for patients undergoing different types of surgery . "

  2. 1957年在利雅得建立第一所大学即现在沙特国王大学(KingSaudUniversity)。

    The first university , now known as King Saud University , was founded in Riyadh in1957 .

  3. 我很快就要开始在国王大学学习了。

    I shall soon be starting my studies at King 's College .

  4. 阿萨舍里在沙特国王大学里教授化学课。

    Alshehri teaches chemistry at King Saud University .

  5. 中东:沙特国王大学(200)首次排名世界前200;

    Middle East : King Saud University ( 200 ) makes top200 for first time ;

  6. 费萨尔公主出生于吉达,7岁时就开始对摄影感兴趣,在沙特阿拉伯吉达阿布都尔阿济兹国王大学修读阿拉伯文学;

    Princess Reem Al-Faisal was born in Jeddah and started to have interest in photography from the year of7 .

  7. 在国王大学,无论是老师还是学生,对汉密尔顿的丰富知识及他那清晰的写作和说话方式而感到惊讶。

    At King 's College , both teachers and students were surprised by Hamilton 's intelligence and his clear way of writing and speaking .

  8. 你提到了KAUST(阿卜杜拉国王科技大学),它正在与美国大学就合作协议进行商谈。

    You mentioned KAUST , which is in talks with US universities over cooperation agreements .

  9. 沙特阿拉伯的阿卜杜拉国王科技大学(KAUST)没有把注意力集中在基础研究上&它们很清楚地说它们想注重于应用研究。

    The King Abdullah University of Science and Technology ( KAUST ) in Saudi Arabia is not focusing on basic research & they have said quite clearly that they want to focus on applied research .

  10. 接着探讨了教皇和国王对大学兴起所持有的态度以及相应的原因,而后分析了在大学兴起过程中个人因素与总体因素是怎样相互作用的。

    Then we turn to the discussion upon the attitude of the pope and king to the university plus the reason to it , study the interaction between the individual and general causes .

  11. 第一贵族帮助周国王是杜克大学的郑庄(河743公元前701年)。

    The first nobility to help the Zhou kings was the Duke Zhuang of Zheng ( r.743 BC-701 BC ) .

  12. 国王学院在大学体制中享有特殊的权威。在约翰·梅纳德·凯恩斯的努力下,它变得非常有钱。

    King 's enjoyed special privileges within the university system , and was distinguished by its opulence , thanks to a fortune amassed by John Maynard Keynes .

  13. 国王学院&剑桥大学城的灵魂认知能力与真理

    KINGS COLLEGE Cognitive Faculties and Truth

  14. 在英国,伦敦国王学院、纽卡斯尔大学和华威大学的科学家们创造了数十个杂交胚胎,用于制造胚胎干细胞,这些干细胞有可能治疗多种疾病。

    In the UK , scientists at King 's College London , Newcastle University , and Warwick University created dozens of hybrid embryos that were used to create embryonic stem cells that could potentially treat a wide range of illnesses .