
  • 网络Englewood;Inglewood;Inglewoood;Inglewod
  1. 他骑车去英格伍德。

    He cycled to Ingwold

  2. 根据他们现在的对话,美丽的桑苏西小姐刚才在出现了英格伍德。

    According to what they 're saying , The lovely ms. Sans souci was just spotted in inglewood .

  3. 我相信不管谁来管理佛蒙特市,或者英格伍德市,或者雷诺市必须处理,这种大型组织原则上的转变。

    I 'm sure whoever runs the city of Fremont , the city of Inglewood , the city of Reno have to deal with just the sort of translations of principles of large organization .