
  • 网络flow separation
  1. 凸包模型为NASA设计用于流动分离主动控制的内外流通用模型。

    The model is a generic model for both internal and external flow , designated by NASA for CFD validation of active separation control .

  2. 基于任意曲线坐标下的N-S方程,对不同攻角下单排叶栅的流动分离情况进行数值分析。

    Based on the Navier-Stokes equations expressed with arbitrary curvilinear coordinates , the separation flow under different attack angles was investigated by numerical method .

  3. 实验模型能够较好地配合PIV和压力传感器进行流动分离区速度、湍流切应力和压力的定量检测;

    The model can cooperate smoothly with the PIV and pressure sensor to detect the velocity , TSS and wall pressure ;

  4. 采用附面层抽吸(BLS)控制流动分离的数值模拟

    Numerical investigation on application of boundary layer suction to control the flow separations

  5. Lorentz力较小时,流动分离点后移,但不能完全抑制流体的分离。

    When Lorentz force is small , the separation points on the cylinder surface will be moved rearward , but it cannot be suppressed completely .

  6. 从此解,决定了速度剖面、压力和沿管壁的剪应力,也决定了流动分离的临界Reynolds数。

    From this solution , velocity profiles , pressure and wall shearing stresses along the tube as well as the critical Reynolds number required for the separation of the flow are determined .

  7. 在PIV流迹显示试验中观察到在模型上下两侧发生流动分离,后方有两个大旋涡,且在两个旋涡中间回流处测点的风压系数大于附近测点。

    In the PIV flow visualization experiment , flow separation takes place at the top and bottom edges and two large vortices behind the model that remain attached to the back of the model are observed .

  8. 结果表明,在颈动脉血管分叉模型内ICA的外侧壁存在明显的流动分离和逆时针方向的涡流,涡流的范围和距离随着流速的改变而改变。

    The results showed that inside the model , there were a large flow separation and an anticlockwise rotating vortex on the lateral wall of ICA , The location and distance of the vortex changed with the flow velocity .

  9. 与牛顿流体的结果相比较,发现:流动分离的临界Reynolds数仅由主流的平均速决定;

    These results are compared with those obtained from the flow of Newtonian fluid . The following conclusions have been reached that the critical Reynolds number required for the separation of the flow is determined solely by the mean velocity of the main flow ;

  10. 旋转系统内流动分离的渐进结构方程

    The asymptotic structure equation applied for flow separation in rotating system

  11. 两相流动分离性能与叶片偏转角的关系

    The space of flows separation performance and the vane 's deflection angle

  12. 利用流线法决定绕扁长椭球流动分离的位置

    Determination of prolate spheroid flow separation by using streamline method

  13. 振荡射流控制翼型流动分离的数值模拟

    Numerical simulation of oscillating excitation separation flow control over airfoils

  14. 轴对称局部狭窄刚性管内流动分离和再附着的研究

    Flow separation and re-attachment in an axisymmetrical local-strictured rigid tube

  15. 基于等离子体激励器简化模型的流动分离控制

    Numerical Simulation of Flow Separation Control Using Plasma-based Actuators

  16. 涡轮大扩张过渡段的流动分离与控制数值研究

    Numerical Investigation of Flow Separation and Control in Large Expanding Turbine Transitional Sect

  17. 粒状塑料原料中粉尘分离机理及柔性流动分离模型

    Separation Mechanism and Flexible Flow Separation Model of Dust in Granular Plastic Material

  18. 水力机械流动分离与损失相关性的工程模型

    Between Losses and Flow Separation in Hydraulic Machinery

  19. 基于动能密度时间变化率的固/液流动分离判据

    Fluid / Solid Separation Criterion Based on Time Rate Change of Kinetic Energy Density

  20. 影响喷管流动分离的因素

    Numerical simulation of flow separation in nozzle

  21. 出现流动分离趋势后,等离子体无法抑制分离趋势;

    Plasma is not effective in diminishing the trend of flow separation when it occurs .

  22. 流动分离对声激励的响应

    Acoustic Excitation Response of Separated Flows

  23. 流动分离是关系到叶轮机械运行安全性和经济性的重要流动现象。

    Separated flow is a very important phenomenon related with operation safety and economy of turbomachines .

  24. 孔口倾斜角对合成射流控制翼型流动分离的影响

    Effect of Orifice Inclined Angle on Flow Control of the Stalled Airfoil with Synthetic Jet Actuator

  25. 小流量轴流风机流动分离的油流显示探讨

    The discussion on oil-flow visualization of separated flow of axial flow fan in low flow rate region

  26. 等离子体气动激励抑制压气机叶栅角区流动分离的仿真与实验

    Computational and experimental investigation of plasma aerodynamic actuation based corner flow separation control in a compressor cascade

  27. 在高负荷涡轮叶栅中应用弯叶片控制流动分离的实验研究

    A numerical investigation of application of bowed blade to control flow separation on Highly Loaded Turbine Cascades

  28. 自由表面对小攻角翼型流动分离特性的影响

    Influence of free surface to the flow separation of an airfoil with a small angle of attack

  29. 电压幅值和占空比必须达到一定的阈值才能有效抑制流动分离;

    The separated flow can be suppressed when the voltage amplitude and duty cycle reach their threshold values .

  30. 旋涡和流动分离的控制一直是空气动力学研究的一个重要课题。

    Vortex and flow separation control has been one of the important subjects in the field of aerodynamics .