
  • 网络Shaping;traffic shaping
  1. 流量整形对QoS(QualityOfService)控制有着重要的影响。

    Traffic shaping has an enormous impact on the provision of QoS ( quality of service ) guarantees .

  2. IP接入网络面向QoS的分组调度和流量整形研究

    Research on Packet Scheduling and Traffic Shaping in QoS Oriented IP Access Networks

  3. 接入网MAC层QoS系统的多业务令牌桶流量整形算法

    Multi-service Token Bucket Algorithm of MAC QoS System in Access Network

  4. 一种有效的无线Mesh网络流量整形模型

    Effective Traffic Shaping Framework of Wireless Mesh Networks

  5. 并且随之产生了一系列提供QoS支持的网络实用技术,比如流量整形,拥塞控制等,其中拥塞控制范畴里面的队列调度算法在QoS实现的过程中有着非常重要的地位。

    And subsequently produced a series of network utilities to provide support technologies for QoS , such as traffic shaping , congestion control .

  6. 用于汇聚成突发数据分组的IP分组,其自身长度对固定汇聚(FAP)算法的流量整形有一定影响。

    The simulation shows that the average length of IP packets assembled into a burst has impact on the traffic shaping of the FAP algorithm to some extent .

  7. 提出了在端系统中一种基于报文的自适应流量整形算法PBATS。

    Presenting a Packet-Based Adaptive Traffic-shaping algorithm ( PBATS ) at end-system .

  8. 同时针对实际应用的实时性要求,提出了适用于该NLP问题的快速解法,使带宽问题可以经过加权注水和流量整形两个步骤得到解决,大大降低了计算复杂度。

    Due to the real-time need of practical application , a quick solution of the NLP problem is proposed , which can solve the problem by two steps : weighted water-filling and traffic shaping . The solution can lead significant decrease in computational complexity .

  9. 对于可变比特率(VBR)令牌桶流量整形问题,示出令牌桶等待队列长度与丢包率的关系曲线,推导出在保证截止期条件下如何确定令牌桶参数的关系式。

    On variable-bit-rate ( VBR ) traffic shaping with a token bucket filter ( TBF ), the curve of relation between queue length of TBF and packet loss was developed , and the relations for how to dimension TBF parameters to guarantee the deadline index was derived .

  10. 缓冲区有限流量整形器性能参数的最小加代数表示

    Min-Plus Algebra Representation for Performance Parameters with Finite Flow Shaper in Buffer

  11. 基于网络演算的流量整形模型

    A Traffic Shaping Framework Based on Network Calculus

  12. 另外,本文设计并实现了其中的流量整形功能,并提出了基于博弈论的转发队列调度的改进策略。

    Additionally , this thesis designs and implements the function of traffic shaping of the mechanisms .

  13. 考虑到目前有众多的资源控制和调度算法等需要与流量整形算法配合使用,对自相似流量经过漏桶前后的特性进行了分析。

    Considering the fact that most of resource control and scheduling algorithm should be used together with some traffic shaping algorithm .

  14. 令牌桶具有限制流的突发量和平均速率的特点,广泛用于流量整形。

    The Token Bucket Filter ( TBF ) is widely used for traffic shaping to curb the traffic burst and average rate .

  15. 研究经过信用量漏桶流量整形器(Credit-BucketTrafficShaper)整形后的独立消息流多路复用排队,给出了计算排队延迟的保证概率的分析与仿真方法。

    The real-time guaranteeing probability of multiplexing independent credit-bucket ( CB ) shaped message streams can be approximated by analytical and simulation-based computations .

  16. 其次在对全双工交换式以太网进行深入分析研究的基础上,提出采用了基于令牌桶法的流量整形技术来保证全双工交换式以太网应用的可靠性和实时性问题。

    Secondly , traffic smoothing with the basis of token bucket arithmetic is introduced to ensuring the Determinacy and Real-time according to lucubrating and analysis the feature of full-duplex-switched Ethernet .

  17. 分层服务质量管理功能的实现也涉及到一些算法,因此探讨了流量整形算法、拥塞避免算法、队列调度算法以及多优先级数据报文分类和转发的实现。

    Implementation of hierarchical quality of service also involves some algorithms , the traffic shaping algorithm discussed , congestion avoidance algorithm , and multi-queue scheduling priority data packet classification and forwarding implementation .

  18. 其中,工作的重点是媒体帧缓冲池的设计。其次,接收器的缓冲处理和媒体帧缓冲池流量整形两项技术的使用可以使客户端高质量地实现媒体流内同步。

    Among them , the work is focused on the design of the media frame buffer pool . Secondly , using buffering mechanism and traffic shaping of media frame buffer pool can efficiently achieve the intra-stream synchronization .

  19. 作为光分组核心网络与电域客户网络的接口,边缘节点负责完成光分组组装、信头插入、流量整形等重要功能,其性能对整个网络有重要影响。

    As the interfaces between standard electronics networks and optical core networks , edge nodes implement optical packet assembly , optical packet header insertion , traffic shaping and other functions . It has a significant impact on the whole network performance .

  20. 本文研究了区分服务边界节点的服务质量确保机制,包括:速率标记算法、流量整形器、计量器算法和队列管理算法。

    The main research works and contributions are listed as following : The control mechanisms on the edges of DiffServ , including marking algorithms , the shaper , meter algorithms and active queue management ( AQM ) algorithms , are studied in this dissertation .

  21. 本文与传统的流量整形算法进行对比实验,由于算法不需要对网络数据包建立复杂的排队模型,减小了排队延迟和缓存压力。

    The algorithm is compared with traditional traffic finishing algorithms in experiments , a conclusion that the present algorithm reduces queuing delay and buffer load is shown , as the present algorithm does not need to set up a complex queue model of network data packages . 3 .

  22. 针对英特网的一些接入场合,特别是有服务质量(QoS)要求的场合,对共享一条物理链路的多个逻辑链路的分组流量进行整形。

    In some Internet connections , especially with the requirement of quality of service ( QoS ), traffic shaping is needed for the logical links sharing a single physical link .

  23. 数据宽带网的流量控制与整形技术

    The Technology of Broadband Network Flow Control and Shaping

  24. 比较了目前流行的各类交换机的缓冲结构及缓冲管理技术,在此基础上提出了一种可行的缓冲结构,采用了旁路技术和共享缓冲技术,并对输出流量作了整形。

    This paper compare the buffer structure and buffer management of several switchs . On the basis of the comparison this paper proposes a feasible buffer structrue with bypass technology and sharing buffer technique , which shapes the output flow .

  25. 该方法能对不同服务等级进行差异定价,对同一等级内的用户流量采用流量整形中的令牌桶方法进行拥塞计费,从而促使用户根据其实际应用需求合理选择服务等级;

    With the method , different charging rates are applied to different service levels , and token-based congestion pricing policy works when sending rate exceeds what is specified in SLA contract , which urges customers to select suitable service level .

  26. 并较为详细地介绍了目前有关QoS特性和相关技术,包括报文分流、拥塞管理、拥塞避免、流量监管和流量整形。

    In detail introduce quality and technology of QoS including diffluence of messages , administration of congestion , avoidance of congestion , wardship and plastic of flux .

  27. 在流量生成器端采用令牌桶作为流量整形器。

    Token bucket is used on traffic generation server to implement traffic shaping .

  28. 视广域网服务而定,大多数运营商支持从批量流量到实时流量的四种基本的流量整形级别。

    Depending on the WAN service , most carriers support four basic levels of shaping , from bulk traffic to real-time .