
  1. 流量检测仪表在海绵钛还原-蒸馏生产中的应用

    Application of flow measuring instrument in sponge titanium reduction-distillation production

  2. 介绍了一系列大管道气体流量检测仪表。

    The paper briefs a series monitoring instruments for large diameter pipe gas flow .

  3. 智能型涡街流量计是以微处理器为基础的新型流量检测仪表。

    Intelligent vortex street flowmeter is a new type of checking instrument on the basis of microprocessor .

  4. 主要介绍国内唯一的海绵钛全流程生产企业&遵义钛业股份有限公司在采用不同炉型生产中流量检测仪表的应用情况。

    Application of flow measuring instrument in production of different furnaces adopted by Zunyi Titanium Co Ltd which is the only whole process production company of sponge titanium in China is introduced .

  5. 超声波明渠流量计作为一种非接触式流量检测仪表,具有非接触、量程宽、线性好等其它流量计没有的优点,在明渠流量的检测上得到了广泛的应用。

    Ultrasonic open channel flowmeter , a kind of non-contact flowmeter , has been widely used in the measurement of open channel for its better merits of non-contact , wide measurement scope and good linearity .

  6. 研制了一种将普通水表和电子技术巧妙地结合在一起的新型流量检测仪表,它通过脉冲流量变送器和数字显示器,将水表流量数字化,并进行远距离传输。

    A new flow-detecting meter , which combines the common water meter with electronic technology has been developed . It digitalizes the water meter flow and carries long distance transmission by pulse flow converter and digital display .