
  • 网络fluidization technology
  1. 综合微波和流态化技术的优点,设计了微波流态化床反应器(MFB),并利用MFB进行了几丁质脱乙酰反应的研究。

    Combining the advantages of both the microwave and fluidization technology , a microwave fluidized-bed reactor ( MFB ) was developed . Studies on its use in the deacetylation of chitin were carried out .

  2. 流态化技术在我国炼油工业应用二十年来的发展

    The development of the application of fluidization technology in china 's petroleum refining industry during the last 20 years

  3. 多相流和颗粒流态化技术在制药工程领域中的应用

    Application of Multiphase Flow and Granule Fluidization Technologies to Pharmaceutical Industry

  4. 用流态化技术制取优质粗粒重铀酸铵

    Preparation of hich quality and coarse grain ammonium diuranate by Fluidization Technique

  5. 因此,本章对当今流态化技术作一概述。

    Thus this chapter surveys the art of fluidization today .

  6. 三相流态化技术在浸出过程中的应用

    The application of three phase fluidization in leaching process

  7. 提出用流态化技术来解决这一关键技术。

    Fluidizing technique offer a solution to this problem .

  8. 气固流态化技术分离小麦中轻杂的研究

    Study on separating the light impurity in Wheat by gas - solid fluidization

  9. 流态化技术在废气处理中的应用

    Application of fluidization technique to waste gas treatment

  10. 气固流态化技术在化工、石油化工以及能源等领域取得了许多重大的进展。

    Gas-solid fluidization technique finds wide applications in chemical , petrochemical and energy-related processes .

  11. 流态化技术在铀湿法冶金中的应用&碱浸铀矿浆流态化洗涤试验研究

    Application of fluidization technique to uranium hydrometallurgy & washing of ALKALINE-LEACHED uranium ore slurry in fluidized bed

  12. 介绍了应用液固流态化技术测定煤炭密度组成的研究及应用情况;

    Introduced was the application status of the solid-liquid fluidized bed technology in determining density consist of a coal ;

  13. 流化萃取褐煤蜡新工艺将散式流态化技术用于液固萃取过程,以溶剂为动力,携带煤粒,实现流化连续萃取。

    A new process of continuous solvent extraction for production of montan wax based on particulate fluidization technology was developed .

  14. 旋转闪蒸干燥装置是国外八十年代推出的、将干燥技术和流态化技术综合为一体的一种干燥设备。

    Spin flash drier ( SFD ), which combines drying and fluidization technology , was introduced into China in 1980s .

  15. 在废水生物处理工艺中,三相生物流化床是将化工的流态化技术和生物工程的微生物固定化技术有机结合而产生的新型废水处理技术。

    The performance of combined process of visible light photocatalysis and three-phase biofluidized bed in treatment of the4-chlorophenol wastewater was studied .

  16. 目前,流态化技术已在我国化工、石油、冶金、电力等工业中得到了广泛应用。

    Today , the fluidization technology has been extensively applied in chemical engineering , oil industry , metallurgy and electric power industry in China .

  17. 根据炼油工业近年来流态化技术的发展及相关新技术的应用,设计了一套适合高硫焦燃烧特点的新型强混反应器冷态实验装置。

    A new cold strong-mixing reactor for burning high sulfur coke was designed based on the development of fluidization and the application of correlative new technology .

  18. 论述了采用流态化技术从硫酸-硫酸铵、硫酸-氯化物溶液体系中沉淀制取优质粗粒重铀酸铵的研究工作。

    He process of preparing ammonium diuranate with high quality and coarse grain is presented , which was precipitated by the fluidization technique in the sulphuric acid-ammonium sulphate or sulphuric acid-chloride solution systems .

  19. 本文介绍一种用流态化技术与喷雾干燥相结合的方法将苯甲酸钠溶液在流化床内完成蒸发、干燥与造粒。

    In this paper a fluidization technique and a spray drying method were presented that may combine evaporation 、 drying , and granulation of sodium benzoate solution in a fluidized bed all at once .

  20. 流态化技术已经在化工、能源以及冶金等工业领域得到了非常广泛的应用,但由于流化床内部各种规律的复杂性,人们对其工作机理的认识还远不能令人满意。

    Though fluidized bed technology has been widely used in chemical engineering , energy source and other industrial fields , people 's understanding of fluidization mechanism is far from satisfied because of its complex nature .

  21. 采用多孔高分子载体固定厌氧微生物和流态化技术强化传质过程,可克服低浓度有机废水甲烷化能力低的障碍。

    Using immobilization microbes on the porous polymer support and intensified process of mass transfer by fluidization technology , the obstructes of the low methane production at low concentration organic wastewater in the conventional method were surmounted .

  22. 对不同粒级样品的分层试验表明:采用流态化技术能有效脱除大于0.074mm粒级中的残余炭,而且工艺简单,无粉尘污染。

    Stratification tests for different size grade indicate that the fluidization method can effectively remove unburned carbon from fly ash ( size grade > 0 . 074 mm ) . The technology is of simple process and no environmental pollution .

  23. 流态化技术已经在能源、化工等领域得到广泛的应用,但由于流化床内部两相流动、传热及化学反应的物理机理和作用规律复杂性,目前为止对流化床的认识还远不能令人满意。

    Though fluidized bed technology has been widely used in energy source , chemical engineering and other industrial fields , the understanding of fluidized bed is in a laggard place because of the complex mechanism and interaction among hydrodynamic , heat transfer and combustion .

  24. 石墨流动粒子炉&流态化新技术在热处理中的应用

    Graphite Particle Fluidized Furnace & The Application of Fluidized New Technique in Heat Treatment

  25. 并且介绍了这方面技术的国内外发展趋势和内循环流态化清洗技术的最新研究。

    The recent research and development about inner-recycle fluidization cleaning technique werebriefly introduced also .

  26. 随着工农业的发展,流态化干燥技术在散粒状物料的干燥方面获得了广泛的应用。

    With the development of industry and agriculture , fluidized bed drying technology has been widely used in the drying of particulate and powdered materials .

  27. 循环流化床燃烧作为一种成熟的流态化燃烧技术,由于其独特的优点,在生物质燃烧方面应用广泛。

    As a mature fluidized combustion technology , CFB is widely used in biomass combustion owe to its good fuel adaptability , high efficiency and low emission levels .

  28. 综述了国内外脉动燃烧技术的研究进展,讨论了流态化燃烧技术和脉动燃烧技术的特点,创新性地提出了将两者相结合的设想。

    Based on discussion of the characteristics of fluidized combustion technology and pulsating combustion technology , a novel concept Self-pulsating Fluidized Bed which combining both techniques ' advantages was brought forward .

  29. 最后指出我国铝工业应以气体悬浮焙烧炉为基础,在消化吸收流态化焙烧技术的前提下发展创新,形成适合我国氧化铝工业特点的流态化焙烧炉。

    At last the author points out that on the basis of gas suspension calciner the aluminum industry in China should digest and absorb fluidization calcinations technology in order to form fluidization calciner suitable for the alumina industry in China .

  30. 流态化煅烧石膏技术的进展&FC分室石膏煅烧炉

    Development of Fluidized Calcination Technology for Gypsum & FC Multi-chamber Calcinator