
  • 网络Membrane structural materials;Film structure materials
  1. 热湿条件对PVC膜结构材料拉伸性能的影响

    Study on the Tensile Property of PVC Membrane Structure Material in Thermal and Hygrothermal Conditions

  2. 主营的PVC刀刮涂层材料包括:广告喷绘用布、卡车篷布、篷房用布、膜结构材料、气密材料以及环保材料。

    Our products mostly focusing in truck cover , tent , membrane structure , advertising billboard , banner flag , swimming pool , inflatable material for boat and toy , treadmill and all purposes of cover . G.

  3. 现代建筑膜结构材料在我国的开发及应用

    The Development and Application of Architectural Membrane Material in Our Country

  4. 热、湿、光作用下膜结构材料耐老化性估计

    Estimation of the Aging Resistance of Membrane Structure Materials under Thermal , Humid and Ultraviolet Conditions

  5. 建筑用膜结构材料是一种涂层织物,具有耐久、透光传热等性能。

    Membrane structure material in architecture is a kind of coated fabric , which has durability , diathermancy and other properties .

  6. 采用该技术可以生产高线密度超细玻璃纤维,主要性能可达到国外同类产品的水平,满足了膜结构材料基材的使用要求。

    This technology can produce superfine glass fibers of high linear density , the main properties of which reach the international level and satisfy the use in membrane structures .

  7. 介绍了玻璃纤维膜结构材料的国内外的发展情况及膜结构建筑具有的自重轻,安全可靠,抗震性能好,不易整体倒塌等特点。

    The home and foreign developments of fiberglass membranes and the features of membrane structures such as light weight , safety in use , high resistance to earthquake and integral collapse are introduced .

  8. 介绍现代建筑用PVC膜结构复合材料的性能特点。

    The performance characteristic of PVC membrane structure composite used in mo-dern building was introduced .

  9. 多层膜结构隐身材料因其特有的结构具有非常好的吸波性能,在隐身领域有很大的应用前景。

    The stealthy materials with multilayers structure have excellent capacities of absorbing electromagnetic wave , and can be widely used in the near future .

  10. 介绍了产业用多功能涂层织物的基布、涂层剂和涂层技术的开发、性能要求及在膜结构建筑材料、篷盖布、灯箱布、土工布和农用膜中的应用。

    The development of base fabric , coating agent and coating technology of the technical mul-ti-functional coated fabric , properties requirements and its application in membrane struc-ture material 、 tent fabric 、 lamp-box fabric 、 geotextile and agricultural film are introduced .

  11. 有机溶剂分离膜结构和膜材料设计理论研究

    Membrane structure and material design for organic solvent separation

  12. 前景广阔的膜结构与膜材料

    Membrane Structure & Materials with a Bright Future

  13. 膜结构的性能及材料特点

    The properties of membrane structures and the characteristics of membrane materials

  14. 本文从底膜的微结构和材料性质两方面入手,分析底膜微结构对所形成膜的微结构的影响以及底膜与膜之间的材料性质匹配问题,从而确定适合的底膜条件。

    In this paper , the effect of substrate micro-structure on membrane micro-structure and material property matching problem between substrate and membrane are discussed at length in order to choose suitable substrate for suspension .