
  1. 根据某型空舰导弹飞行试验要求,选用靶场已有的测控站点,采用双站交会与单站定位数据处理方法相结合,设计了一条射程为Xkm的飞行理论弹道。

    According to requirement of flight test of the air to ship missile , selecting existing measurement and control stations of test range , one flight theoretics trajectory has been designed .

  2. 反舰导弹飞行试验所需用弹量的确定

    The Determination of Missile Consuming Number in Antiship Missile Flight Test

  3. 导弹飞行试验靶标规模设计方法研究

    Research on Design Methods of Target Scale in Missile Flight Tests

  4. 防空导弹飞行试验控制系统故障模式研究

    Study on Control System Failure Mode during Air Defense Missile Flight Test

  5. 导弹飞行试验外测系统误差的估计

    The Estimation of Exterior Ballistic Measuring System Error for Missile Flight Test

  6. 参数辨识在反坦克导弹飞行试验数据分析中的应用

    Application of Parameter Identification in Analysis for Anti-tank Missile Flight Test Data

  7. 导弹飞行试验多站测量定轨的自适应滤波方法

    Adaptive Filtering Approach for Missile Flight Test Trajectory Determination Under Multiple Station Measuring

  8. 防空导弹飞行试验的引战配合性能分析方法

    A performance analysis method of air defence missile ′ s fuze warhead matching

  9. 文中最后给出一种典型的空-空导弹飞行试验结果供参考。

    Lastly a flight tests result of typical air-to-air missile is presented and compared .

  10. 导弹飞行试验命中精度验证一次抽样方案快速确定方法

    Quick Establishment Method for the Single Sampling Inspection Plan of Missile Hit Accuracy Compliance Test

  11. 有限航区内实现远程舰舰导弹飞行试验与鉴定的基本方法

    Basic method for realizing the flying t & e of long-range ship-to-ship missile in the limited navigation region

  12. 本文在计算机平台上利用仿真技术,代替真实导弹飞行试验,进行模拟飞行并分析结果。

    It can simulate the flight and analyze the result using computer technology instead of missile flight test .

  13. 飞航导弹飞行试验是导弹研制过程中不可缺少的步骤之一。

    The flight test of the Cruise missile is an indispensable step in the process of the missile development .

  14. 运载火箭测试发控系统在航天和导弹飞行试验中占据着非常重要的地位。

    The testing and launching system of carrier rocket plays the key role in spaceflight and missile flying test .

  15. 由于弹道导弹飞行试验成本昂贵,试验次数比较少,经典统计理论在小样本前提下有效性大为降低。

    Due to the high cost of flight testing of ballistic missiles , the number of testing relatively is small .

  16. 运用自适应滤波方法研究导弹飞行试验多站测量定轨问题。

    In this paper , an adaptive filtering approach is applied to determine missile fight ttest trajectory under multiple station measuring .

  17. 导弹飞行试验中,初段弹道位置参数一般通过两台光学经纬仪交会测量获得。

    During the missile test , the position parameter of original trajectory is usually gained by intersection measure of two optical-theodolites .

  18. 地面强度和导弹飞行试验表明,该天线罩连接环的设计和检测方法较好地解决了天线罩与弹体的连接问题。

    The flight tests show that the design and the use of the measuring methods have fairly resolved the joining problems about antenna housing and missile body .

  19. 指出了利用导弹飞行试验考核无线电引信启动特性存在的问题,论述了无线电引信近区启动特性考核的必要性,并初步研究了其考核方法。

    The weakness of evaluation by using missile flight test is discussed , and the importance of evaluating the close-zone actuation performance of radio fuze is pointed out .

  20. 遥、外测的结合在导弹飞行试验中具有良好的应用前景,是一种有生命力的测量手段,在国内外已得到广泛应用。

    The combination of external testing in missile flight tests have good prospects , which is a viable means of measurement and has been widely used at home and abroad .

  21. 固体导弹飞行试验给地面安控系统带来较大的困难,国民经济的高速发展也对安全控制的范围和可靠性提出更高要求。

    Solid missile flying test brings great difficulty to ground safety control system , and high speed development of national economy makes greater demands on area and reliability of safety control .

  22. 为解决由于战略导弹飞行试验发数少,难以评定制导精度的困难,开展制导精度评定的蒙特卡罗模拟是必要的。

    It is necessary to carry out a Monte Carlo simulation of guidance accuracy evaluation in order to solve the problem of evaluating guidance accuracy because of few strategic missile flight tests .

  23. 本文从分析战略导弹飞行试验发数问题入手,说明了验前信息的重要性,而统计试验法是一种提供验前信息的重要技术途径。

    This paper describes the importance of forward testing information to strategic long-range missile flight test numbers , the statistical test method is on important technical path for providing forward testing information .

  24. 本文通过对安全引爆装置在06批导弹飞行试验中可能导致故障出现的因素进行分析和试验,查找出引起导弹飞行故障的原因;

    We find out the reason that caused the flying trouble of the missile by performing analysis for factors that safety initiation detonation apparatus in Lot 06 missile flying test may result in trouble ;

  25. 该战斗弹遥测系统采用FM/FMFM遥测体制,现已成功地应用于某导弹的飞行试验。

    This FM / FM FM telemetry system has been used in one missile 's test .

  26. 炮射导弹飞行可靠性试验法研究

    Flight Reliability Test Method Study of cannon launched guided projectile

  27. 战术导弹靶场飞行试验质量管理方法探讨

    Discussion on Quality Control Method of Tactical Missile Flight Test in Range

  28. 研究导弹飞行仿真试验中目标运动数学模型构建的一种方法。

    A method for the establishment of target movement mathematical models is studied .

  29. 弹道导弹的飞行试验与精度鉴定

    Ballistic missile flight test and accuracy evaluation

  30. 基于安全性与稳定性要求,战术导弹的飞行试验通常是在闭环控制状态下进行的。

    Taking into account the demands of security and stability , flight tests of tactical missiles always proceed under the closed-loop control state .