
  • 网络Clearly;Obviously
  1. 你自己明明就抽烟,就不要叫我戒烟了!

    Don 't tell me I should stop smoking when you smoke , too !

  2. 苹果公司只是粉饰了一下iPhoneSE,这手机和之前那款明明就差不多,只不过颜色不一样啊。

    It looks like they 've just put lipstick on a pig for the iPhone SE . It 's just the same phone as 2 years ago , but in bright new colors .

  3. 譬如他明明就爱看我订的杂志。

    Like magazines I subscribe to , which he reads .

  4. 她和她朋友明明就很享受

    She and her friend were totally into it .

  5. 她明明就记得,她故意说谎话好让乔佛里喜欢她。

    She did remember , she just lied so Joffrey would like her .

  6. 明明就在家门口!

    The flowers are around her house !

  7. 看你明明就懂

    You see , you know things !

  8. 这明明就一样

    It is exactly the same thing .

  9. 譬如他明明就爱看我订的杂志,却一直不肯承认。

    Like magazines I subscribe to , which he reads , but only because they 're there .

  10. 我明明就说女袍一件。

    I said a gown .

  11. 是不是某些人明明就在身边却还是让你感到孤独呢?

    Are you with someone who makes you feel lonely even when they 're right next to you ?

  12. 什么是啊?!她竟然让你飞过大半个地球去救济穷人,可我们这里明明就有穷人却不救济!

    She has you flying halfway across the world to help the poor and there 's perfectly good poor right here .

  13. 我还是不明白我们家明明就在附近为什么A偏要炸掉他家呢

    I still don 't get why " A " would blow up his house when we were all just three doors down .

  14. 但是对盈利性企业的无薪工作提供补助,佩林认为“这实际上是在支持非法实习,因为这些雇主明明就能够自己支付。”

    But funding unpaid jobs at for-profit employers , he says , ' may actually be supporting an illegal internship , at an employer who can very much afford to pay . '

  15. 但这位驻北京的记者兼潜水教练却偶然发现了一艘沉没的潜艇,以及一个明明就在那里但却没人发现的岛上墓地。在这次沉船事件中,水下呼吸器首次被用于逃生。

    Instead , the Beijing journalist and scuba instructor stumbled upon the mystery of a missing submarine , man 's first use of scuba equipment to escape from certain death , and an island graveyard that was hidden in plain sight .

  16. 但是她的身份为什么这样重要呢开玩笑的重要也是重要很多人明明早就不用凯蒂猫的背包和铅笔盒了。

    But why is her identity so important even if mockingly important to so many people who have long abandoned their Hello Kitty backpacks and pencil cases ?

  17. 但是她的身份为什么这样重要呢——开玩笑的重要也是重要——很多人明明早就不用凯蒂猫的背包和铅笔盒了。

    But why is her identity so important - even if mockingly important - to so many people who have long abandoned their Hello Kitty backpacks and pencil cases ?

  18. 有些人对这份声明表示欢迎,有些人却不肯苟同,他们说尼泊尔政府扩展了“山峰”的概念,把一些明明早就可以登顶的山也算了进去,目的不过是为了多收钱。

    Some welcomed the announcement , while others dismissed it , saying the government had stretched the meaning of " peak " in a few cases to include subpeaks within mountains that were already accessible in order to rake in more in fees .

  19. 我才是把歌洛莉亚当成亲妈的人,明明我俩就一样大真让人不安。

    I 'm the one who 's turning Gloria into mom , which is really disturbing since we 're the same age .

  20. “你明明知道罗毕拉德奶奶就常常用胭脂擦脸,而且&”

    " You know very well grandma Robillard painted her face and & "

  21. 你们只要能找到那东西,就能像国王那样大富大贵,你们明明知道那东西就在这里,却站在那里打退堂鼓。

    You 'd be as rich as kings if you could find it , and you know it 's here , and you stand there skulking .