
mínɡ chūn
  • next spring
  1. 此外,预计明春我国110°E以西,河西走廊一带以外地区降水较常年偏多,其他地区基本正常。

    In addition , the next spring will have more precipitation to the west of 110 ° E over China , outside of the Hexi Corridor .

  2. 美国明春有可能削减驻阿富汗部队

    US may cut troops in Afghanistan next spring

  3. 明春之前不会有任何收成。

    Won 't see another crop till spring .

  4. 明春给妈戴一次。

    Next spring to wear a damn .

  5. 空间站核心舱明春发射

    Space station module to be lofted

  6. 我国今冬和明春气候异常与沙尘气候形势的模式预测初步报告

    A Preliminary Report of the Model Prediction on the Forthcoming Winter and Spring Dust Climate over China

  7. 该集团将在明春向市场介绍从其房地产资产组合释放价值的最新计划。

    The group will update the market next spring on plans for releasing value from its property portfolio .

  8. 报告了利用气候模式对我国今冬明春气候异常进行跨年度实时预测的初步结果。

    The real-time interannual prediction of climate anomalies for2003 winter and dust climate for2004 spring over China are conducted .

  9. 冬季不够冷、雪不够多,则明春麦子就长不好。

    If last winter is not cold , without enough snow , wheat in spring wouldn 't grow well .

  10. 关键在今后两年,主要在今后五个月,就是今冬明春。

    The next two years are crucial , and chiefly the next five months , namely , this winter and next spring .

  11. 上星期,国会依据政党路线,针对明春撤军一事进行了辩论和投票。

    Last week , the House debated and voted along party lines for a timetable for an American troop withdrawal by next spring .

  12. 认真落实国务院领导同志的指示精神坚决夺取今冬明春森林防火工作全面胜利&在全国森林防火工作紧急电视电话会议上的讲话

    Implementing Earnestly the Instructions of the Leading Cadres of the State Council to Strive for Overall Victory in Forest Fire Prevention This Winter and Next Spring

  13. 从现在起,到今冬明春,是逐步教会区乡两级取得经验。

    Between now and the coming winter and spring , the task is gradually to teach those at the district and the township levels to do likewise .

  14. 临终前,妈妈对我说:“明春花儿开放的时候,到我坟头放几朵花,这样妈不会寂寞。”

    Immediately before her death , my mother said to me : " When spring flowers open , I put some flowers instead , not so damn lonely . "

  15. 一个小型织品经销公司的所有者写道:许多大型外国制衣企业都取消了明春的订单,我的生意不可避免地受到了影响。

    " Many large overseas clothing companies withdrew their purchase orders for the coming spring , and my business is inevitably affected ," writes the owner of a small fabric-selling company .

  16. 据悉,温州市政府已作出部署,今冬明春将在全市掀起更大规模的兴修水利热潮。

    It is reported that the Wenzhou government has made arrangements to start an upsurge of construction on a larger scale water conservancy in the city this winter and next spring .

  17. 农业发展纲要草案上写的是一九五八年完成高级形式的农业合作化,现在看样子今冬明春就能实现。

    The draft programme for agricultural development stipulates that higher-stage agricultural co-operation should be completed in1958 , and now it seems that we can achieve the aim this winter or next spring .

  18. 在过去的一年里,塞政府为了明春的大选,设定了在2011年年底前成为欧盟候选国家的目标。

    Over the past year the government 's strategy has aimed at candidacy by the end of2011 , with a view to using this as a boost in the election next spring .

  19. 教育部在一则通知中表示,各地教育部门、各高校和中小学校要深刻认识今冬明春是疫情防控关键时期,要严格落实校园疫情防控措施。

    Local education authorities , universities and schools should realize that this winter and next spring are critical in pandemic prevention and control , and they should strictly implement containment measures , the ministry said in a notice .

  20. 教育部12月1日表示,今冬明春发生局部聚集性疫情风险加大,高校放寒假要坚持“错峰”原则,安排学生分批次有序离校,妥善安排留校师生寒假生活。

    Step up COVID precautions Universities in China should make sure departures of students heading home for winter vacation are staggered and make proper arrangements for those staying on campus amid increasing risks of COVID-19 cluster infections , the Ministry of Education said on Tuesday .