
Conclusion : There are similar clinical and neuropsychological characteristics for SD between the Chinese patient and the sample of Western . Selective impairment of semantic memory may bring about by left temporal neocortex atrophy .
Results In infarcts of rats in infarction group , the expression of GAP 43 increased markedly and there were a large number of dead neurons , damaged neuropil and severe edematous tissue 1 day after onset of infarction .
Study on Anatomical Structure of Leaves of New Cultivars of Ginkgo biloba
Effects of tetanization of the right caudate-putamen on the depth electrographs in the hippocampus or medial temporal lobe neocortex electrographs in rats
Explicit processing evoked significantly more activity in temporal lobe cortex than implicit processing , whereas implicit processing evoked significantly greater activity in amygdala region .
Thirty-five temporal neocortex tissue samples from patients with intractable temporal lobe epilepsy ( TLE ) and fifteen histological normal temporal lobes from controls were selected .