
  1. 关于体育科研合作中成果权属争议的法律思考

    Considerations of laws on the arguments of the achievements ' property rights in the cooperation of the physical scientific research

  2. 该地主将在他的田地上摘取果浆权租出去了。

    The landowner farmed out the right to pick berries on his land .

  3. 在理论模型和方法指导下,本文对哈萨克斯坦国和智利果的矿业权安全性进行评价。

    In the guidance of evaluation model and methods , the author evaluated the security of mineral rights in Kazakhstan and Chile .

  4. 第四章,闭于城镇建设用地生态相宜性评价的程序和模型入行研讨,并针闭于指本体解的树立和评价果女的权沉肯订铺开了谈论。

    The fourth part , studies on the urban constructive land ecologic suitability evaluation 's procedure and model , discusses indicator system 's establishment and the appraisal factor weight determination .