
  • 网络jelly powder;Jell-o
  1. 魔芋果冻粉工艺配方

    The preparation and the formula of amorphophallus konjac jelly powder

  2. 采购:果冻粉,生姜泥,大蒜泥,番茄粉。

    Buy : Jelly powder , Ginger paste , Garlic paste , Tomato powder .

  3. 立刻加一袋果冻粉。

    Add1 bag of the gelatine powder immediately .

  4. 在糖、果冻粉和明胶粉溶解后加入干桂花。

    Add dried Osmanthus when sugar , agar agar powder and gelatin powder dissolved .

  5. 在壶里加入水、糖、果冻粉和凝胶粉,然后用中火煮开。

    In a pot add water , sugar , agar agar powder and gelatin powder at medium boil .

  6. 叙述了魔芋果冻粉的制备及配方,并对果冻形成的最佳条件进行了探讨。

    This paper discusses about the preparation procedure , the formula , and the jelling condition of amorphophallus jelly power .

  7. 将第一包果冻粉倒在大碗里,边搅拌边倒入热水,直到果冻粉完全溶解。

    Pour the first packet of jelly powder into a large bowl and while whisking , add the hot water . Whisk until the powder has dissolved .

  8. 卡拉胶与魔芋粉复配生产果冻粉的研究不同镍盐对果树花粉萌发及花粉管生长的影响

    Research on Jelly Powder Production by Reply and Mix of Carrageenan and Konjaku Flour Effects of different nickelous compounds on pollen germination and tube growth of fruit trees

  9. 硼素营养对魔芋生长发育、品质、产量影响的研究卡拉胶与魔芋粉复配生产果冻粉的研究

    Studies on the Effects of the Growth , Quality and Yield of Konjac under Different Concentrations of Boron ; Research on Jelly Powder Production by Reply and Mix of Carrageenan and Konjaku Flour

  10. 将果冻粉放入一个大碗,加入一杯热水搅拌混合直至其全部融化,随后将混合好的伏特加倒入搅拌。

    Open up the jello mix and place it into a large bowl . Then add 1 cup of boiling water and stir until the jello crystals have dissolved . Then pour in the vodka mixture and stir .

  11. 这款价格高达22000英镑打破了世界纪录的的布丁由最好的比利时巧克力、分层香槟酒果冻及食用金粉制作而成。

    The pudding , which is made with finest Belgian chocolate , layered with champagne jelly and glazed with edible gold leaf , breaks the world record with a price tag of 22000 pounds .

  12. 由正交实验确定了松花粉果冻的最佳配方是:果冻粉0.12%,松花粉5%,蜂蜜20%,柠檬酸0.2%。

    The best combination weas : jelly pollen 0.12 % , pine pollen 5 % , honey 20 % , citric acid 0 . 2 % .

  13. 把盛着果冻浆的碗放到冰箱中冷冻2-4小时,具体时间长短可根据果冻粉包装袋上的说明进行调整。

    Place the jelly in the fridge and chill for 2-4 hours , or according to the instructions on the packet .