
  • 网络brownie;Nut chocolate
  1. 幸好,有果仁巧克力陪伴着我。

    Fortunately , the nut chocolate always together with me .

  2. 如今,我成为了大学生,校园生活对我来说就像果仁巧克力。

    Well , now , I am in university , the campus life is a nut chocolate for me .

  3. 这些果仁巧克力可不和那些美国糖果店里出售的含糖的甜点一样。

    These pralines are not the same as the sugary treats offered in American candy shops .

  4. 最受顾客欢迎的是一款果仁巧克力蛋糕冰淇淋。

    The nut & chocolate cake ice cream is the most popular one among the customers .

  5. 混入果仁及巧克力豆。

    Stir in chopped nuts and chocolate chips .