
  • 网络goat cheese;Chevre;Chèvre
  1. 我学过做山羊奶酪,很有意思

    I learned to make goat cheese . It was very Heidi .

  2. 诺亚:是的,我要对心脏健康有好处的煎蛋,与山羊奶酪和辣椒。

    Noah Vosen : yes , I 'll have the heart-health omelette with goat cheese and peppers , please .

  3. 你不喜欢山羊奶酪吗?

    Ow ! You don 't like goat 's cheese ?

  4. 配餐建议:开胃菜,鱼类,海鲜,某些山羊奶酪。

    Recommended food : As aperitif , with fish and seafood , with certain goat cheeses .

  5. 你也可以用菠菜、太阳晒干的西红柿和一点点小山羊奶酪制作煎蛋卷&完全不同的味道。

    You can also prepare an omelet with spinach , sun dried tomatoes , and a little goat cheese-totally different flavor .

  6. 这里的食物都是一流的,他们供应的开胃菜是我吃过最新鲜的,山羊奶酪和开心果肉卷都很美味。

    The food is first-class and they supplied the freshest starter I 've tasted , a wonderful goat 's cheese and pistachio roulade .

  7. 现在,这家农场每天都要生产多达140磅(约合63千克)山羊奶酪,有些奶酪的售价高达14美元一磅。

    The farm now churns out up to 140 pounds of goat cheese a day , some selling for as much as $ 14 a pound .

  8. 照片上展示的有很多层,但是我们可将其简化,用最上面的那层鸡肝和洋葱,这里也用了一点山羊奶酪。

    The photo shows a complex creation of many layers but we can be simplified and use the top layer of Chicken Liver and caramelised onions , here also topped with goats cheese .

  9. 我已经注意到了三只鸡在我的女主人运行的庭院免费的,其中一个晚上结束对我的表在炮制。村民们给我带来了37个山羊奶酪和磨练。

    I had noticed three hens running free in my hostess 's courtyard and that night one of them ended up in a dish on my table.37 villagers brought me goat 's cheese and hone .

  10. 在特拉维夫的大排档,你还可以加上鹰嘴豆泥、泡菜、烤茄子沙拉、山羊奶酪薯条(直接夹到里面),还有各类值得冒险尝试的酱汁。

    At Tel Aviv falafel stands , you can also add hummus , pickled veggies , roasted eggplant salad , feta cheese , French fries ( just stuff ' em in ) and a wide assortment of adventurous hot sauces .