
  • 网络gOAt milk
  1. 本研究为检测山羊乳MUC1遗传多态性提供了可靠的方法。

    Our experiment has provided a reliable protocol for assaying genetic polymorphisms of goat milk MUC1 .

  2. 最后采用热凝固时间法(HCT)测定不同泌乳期、温度、pH值及相关助剂对山羊乳热稳定性的影响。

    The effects of lactation period , heating temperature , pH and additives on the heat stability of goat milk were studied by analyzing the heat coagulation time ( HCT ) of the milk .

  3. 新鲜的山羊乳干酪或者羊乳酪含有共轭亚油酸(CLA)&它使你有饱足感同时促进脂肪燃烧。

    Go for fresh goat cheese or feta for a dose of conjugated linoleic acid ( CLA ) & it helps you feel full and burn more fat .

  4. 山羊乳蛋白组分及αs-酪蛋白遗传多态性的研究

    Milk Protein Composition and Genetic Polymorphism of α _S-Casein in Goats

  5. 非乳用山羊乳蛋白结构基因座遗传多态性研究

    Genetic Polymorphism of Structural Loci of Milk Protein in Non-dairy Type Goats

  6. 山羊乳生化遗传标记的研究进展

    Advances of research on goat milk biochemical genetic marker

  7. 山羊乳中环鸟苷酸与泌乳

    CGMP in the Milk of Dairy Goat and Lactation

  8. 山羊乳镉向乳产品的转移

    Transfer of cadmium from goat whole milk to products

  9. 呼和浩特地区萨能山羊乳氨基酸组分研究

    Study on Amino Acid Composition in The Hohhot Saanen Goat ′ s Milk

  10. 不同泌乳阶段山羊乳中环核苷酸的变化

    Milk cyclic nucleotide changes with variant lactating stages

  11. 山羊乳与绵羊乳的物理化学性质比较

    Comparative physico-chemical properties of goat and sheep milk

  12. 实验性乳腺炎山羊乳和血液中相关酶与细胞因子的变化

    The changes of enzymes and cytokines in milk and blood during experimental mastitis in goat

  13. 根据《印第安纳波利斯星报》报道,菜单中还有波旁肉丸、山羊乳干酪、意式蒜蓉烤面包、洋蓟鸡胸肉、雪当利奶油酱等。

    According to the Indianapolis Star bourbon-glazed meatballs , goat cheese and roasted garlic bruschetta , chicken breast with artichokes and Chardonnay cream sauce are also on the menu .

  14. 北京奶山羊β乳球蛋白基因(βlg)的克隆及其调控序列的分析

    Cloning of Beijing Milk Goat β - lactoglobulin Gene (β lg ) and Analyzing Its Control Regions

  15. 本研究的目的是从基因水平上检测四川省地方山羊品种乳上皮黏蛋白MUC1的遗传多态性。

    The objective of the study was to examine the genetic polymorphisms of milk MUC1 gene of goat breeds in Sichuan province .

  16. 山羊β乳球蛋白基因的克隆及其在转基因小鼠乳汁中的高效表达

    Goat β - lactoglobulin Gene Cloning and High Expression in the Mammary Gland of Transgenic Mice

  17. 用SDS&PAGE在还原条件下分析了成都麻羊和波尔山羊脱脂乳蛋白及乳清蛋白的组成。

    Protein components were analyzed in skim milk and whey of Chengdu Ma goats and Boer goats using SDS-PAGE under reducing condition .

  18. 结果表明,关中奶山羊生鲜乳中的脂肪、蛋白质、非脂乳固体、乳糖和干物质的平均质量分数分别为4.88%,2.74%,7.80%,4.36%和12.91%。

    The average of cream , lacto-protein , none fatty solid , lactose and solid yield of Guanzhong-diary-goat milk are 4.88 % , 2.74 % , 7.80 % , 4.36 % and 12.91 % , respectively .

  19. 奶山羊β-乳球蛋白cDNA的克隆

    Cloning of beta lactoglobulin cDNA from dairy goat

  20. 利血平和氟哌啶醇对奶山羊血浆促乳素水平的影响

    Effects of reserpine and haloperidol on plasma prolactin in dairy goats

  21. 山羊β-乳球蛋白基因5′侧区的克隆、测序和序列分析

    Cloning , Sequencing and Sequence Analysis of Goat β lactoglobulin Gent 5 ′ Flanking Region

  22. 通过以上元件,成功构建了奶山羊β-乳球蛋白调控序列及增强子序列共同指导人胰岛素原基因乳腺特异性表达载体BIC13。

    Neo gene was also from a plasmid of pGH-4 . In this study , we finally have constructed a human proinsulin mammary gland-specific expression vector under the control of both goat BLG regulatory sequences and enhancer sequence .

  23. CpG-ODN对山羊实验性乳腺炎乳中NAGase、MPO及乳铁蛋白的影响

    Effects of CpG-ODN on NAGase , MPO and lactoferrin in milk during goat mastitis

  24. 同样易感口蹄疫的山羊和猪是乳制品和肉类的主要来源。

    Goats and pigs , also susceptible to FMD , are important source of dairy products and meat .

  25. 非乳用山羊群体中,乳蛋白结构基因座是1个遗传多样性相对丰富的系统;

    In 9 Chinese non-dairy type goat populations , the structural loci encoding milk protein were relatively abundant system of genetic diversity ;

  26. 为了解非乳用山羊不同群体编码乳蛋白结构基因座的遗传多态性,揭示不同群体间的遗传关系。

    The objective of this experiment was to understand the genetic polymorphism of structural loci encoding milk protein in different Chinese non-dairy type goat populations , to reveal the genetic relationship among those goat populations .

  27. 除了组织的资助计划,作为它使直接付款的一部分,这也给畜牧业的支持,包括绵羊,山羊和牛一起乳制品补贴。

    Apart from the organisation 's subsidy scheme , as part of the direct payments it makes , it also gives support to animal farming including sheep , goats and cattle along with subsidies for dairy .

  28. 构建了山羊基因组文库,为筛选山羊乳蛋白基因,构建山羊乳蛋白基因定点整合的转基因敲入载体奠定基础。

    Goat genomic DNA library was constructed for screening milk-protein-encoding gene of goat and construction of knock-in vector .

  29. 从奶山羊组织提取基因组DNA,根据已发表的山羊β-乳球蛋白基因(BLG)序列设计引物,用高保真长模板PCR法克隆得6个奶山羊BLG基因片段。

    To construct mammary gland specific expression vectors , 6 β lactoglobulin ( BLG ) gene fragments of expected sizes were amplified from dairy goat genomic DNA using high fidelity long template PCR system .