
  • 网络Truffle;Chocolate truffle;truffe
  1. 选择很有限:传统的胡桃糖和奶油鲜美的甘那许酱,糖果上装饰着手绘的丘比特、字母D或者其他花纹,还有香草、咖啡和焦糖口味的松露巧克力。

    The options are limited : traditional pralines and creamy ganaches , many hand-painted with cupids , the letter " D " or other flourishes , and vanilla , coffee and caramel-flavored truffles .

  2. 无论你使用了哪种山寨方法,一旦巧克力达到理想状态,与黄油混合,外加巧克力包裹,美味的松露巧克力即可大功告成。

    Whichever method you use ( cheat 's version at right ), once the chocolate reaches its ideal condition , it 's mixed with butter and coated in chocolate to create scrumptious truffles .

  3. 而布丁也可能从往日黏糊糊的苹果陷改为柠檬迷迭香松露巧克力陷。

    That includes pudding , which instead of soggy apple crumble , is more likely to be lemon and rosemary chocolate truffle .

  4. 汉尼拔.莱克特会大失所望地发现这大块的肉其实是松露巧克力和酒心巧克力奶油蛋糕制成的

    Hannibal Lecter would be gravely disappointed to learn that this hunk of flesh is actually chocolate truffle and rum chocolate butter cream frosting

  5. 冷却后,用浸渍叉小心移动松露巧克力,放入糖果盒内并码放整齐。

    Once cooled , carefully remove each truffle from the plate , using the dipping fork . Set in a confectionery case and arrange in a box .

  6. 北京市中心一家叫菲格树的高级烘焙学校,从这周四起开始招收学习松露巧克力的学生。“乐趣及情致一体、衡量及混搭并进”是他们的宣传主题。

    The Fig Tree , a luxury pastry school in downtown Beijing , is offering a chocolate truffle-making course to foster " fun , flirting , measuring and mixing , " among singles on Thursday .

  7. 奶酪被制成像一只超大号的铅笔,而削下来的铅笔屑有三种不同口味:松露巧克力糖味,香蒜沙司味和辣味,削好的奶酪可以撒在菜上。

    The cheeses are shaped like oversized pencils , where the leads contain three different flavors : truffles , pesto and chilli . With the sharpener included , the required amount of cheese can be sprinkled on the dish .

  8. 看看每天孩子们能在自己的餐盘里能找到什么,由当天现抓的食材做的熏鲭鱼配甜菜根、羽衣甘蓝沙拉,还有柠檬迷迭香陷的松露巧克力布丁。

    An example of what the children might find on their plates on an average day is smoked mackerel , which is caught on the day , with beetroot and kale salad , and a lemon and rosemary chocolate truffle for dessert .

  9. 松露是法式黑巧克力的经典代表,而品尝黛堡嘉莱松露巧克力更是唯美主义者的最爱。

    Truffe is the typical representative of French chocolates , while tasting of our Truffes was always a great pleasure for the esthete .