
  • 【体】floating shoulder
  1. 松解肩前为主治疗风寒湿型肩周炎临床观察

    Clinical Observation on Scapulohumeral Periarthritis of Wind-Cold-Damp Type Treated Mainly With Scapuloanterior Relaxing Manipulation

  2. 结论:《黄帝内经》傍针刺法可明显缓解患肩的疼痛与拘挛,增加患肩的活动度,松解肩关节粘连。

    Conclusion : Proximal needling can obviously mitigate the pain and contracture of affected shoulder joint , increase the angles of moving relax the adherence of joint .

  3. 结果24例患者术后骨折端全部愈合,关节功能恢复良好,内固定物无松脱,肩锁关节无创伤性关节炎。

    Results The fractures healed in all the cases with good function of joint , and without screw loosening or traumatic arthritis .

  4. 结论肩关节镜下手术松解冻结肩可以明显缩短病程,取得稳定满意的效果。

    Conclusions Arthroscopic release for the treatment of frozen shoulder may obviously shorten the period of the disease and obtain good curative effects .

  5. 我第一次见到她是在乌云挟着闪电滚滚而来的田野上。她的面纱拖在地面,乌黑的发辫松垂在肩前。

    Light came muffled with clouds when first I saw her in the field ; her head was bare , her veil was off , her braided hair hanging loose on her neck .

  6. 陆氏银针配合肩部松解手法治疗肩凝症30例

    Silver Needle Acupuncture and Shoulder-Loosening Techniques for Shoulder Periarthritis in 30 Cases

  7. 肩关节封闭术结合松解手法治疗肩关节周围炎

    The treatment of shoulder periarthritis by shoulder block technique and releasing manipulations

  8. 臂丛麻醉下手法松解治疗冻结肩的临床研究

    A clinical study of manipulation under brachial plexus anesthesia for the treatment of frozen shoulder

  9. 目的评价粘连挛缩带紧张位针刀松解治疗冻结肩的疗效,探讨粘连挛缩带紧张位针刀松解治疗冻结肩理论依据,并期望对本法治疗冻结肩的优缺点作一评估。

    Objective The investigation was to evulate the efficiency of the frozen shoulder treated by manipulation with acupotomy in tensive position and to approach its theory and characteristic .