  • pine;dried meat floss;dried minced meat
  • loose;slack;not hard up;light and flaky
  • loosen;relax;slacken
  • 种子植物的一属,一般为常绿乔木,脂可提取松香或松节油等。种子可榨油和食用:~针。~脂。~香。~子。

  • 稀散,不紧密,不靠拢,与“紧”相对:捆得太~。土质~软。蓬~。宽~。疏~。~懈。

  • 放开:~手。~绑。~心。

  • 用瘦肉做成的茸毛或碎末形的食品:肉~。鱼~。

  • 姓。


(松树) pine:

  • 长叶 [马尾]松

    long-leaf [masson] pine;

  • 油松

    Chinese pine


(绒状或碎末状食品) dried meat floss; dried minced meat:

  • 猪肉松

    dried minced pork


(姓氏) a surname:

  • 松云

    Song Yun


(松散) loose; slack:

  • 把绳子再放松一点。

    Give the rope more play.

  • 你的鞋带松了。

    Your shoelace has come loose.

  • 绳子太松了。

    The rope is too slack.

  • 这里的土质很松。

    The soil here is very loose.


(经济宽裕) not hard up:

  • 他手头比过去松多了。

    He's much better off than before.


(不坚实) light and flaky; soft:

  • 这点心松脆可口。

    The pastry is light and crisp.

  • 这种木料松, 做家具不合适。

    The wood is too soft for making furniture.


(使松) loosen; relax; slacken:

  • 松松螺丝

    loosen the screw a little bit;

  • 松开手

    relax one's hold;

  • 现在我们可以松一口气了。

    Now we can have a breathing spell.

  • 齿轮就是松不开来。

    The gear just would not come unstuck.

  1. 我们穿过了一片寂静的松树林。

    We hiked through a silent pine forest .

  2. 虽然从外表上看,它们眼睛睁得很大,又可爱,但松貂是长有利爪的捕食性动物。

    Wide-eyed and cute as they appear , pine martens are sharp-clawed predators1 .

  3. 我想我该给花园松松土了。

    I think I 'll do some digging in the garden .

  4. 你得松松劲,不然会累病的。

    You must slow down or you 'll make yourself ill .

  5. 有个零件松了经常卡住机器。

    There 's a loose part that keeps jamming the mechanism .

  6. 他往前够了够身子,让护士把枕头拍松了。

    He leaned forward while the nurse plumped up his pillows .

  7. 事情过去后,我们大家都松了一口气。

    We all breathed a sigh of relief when it was over .

  8. 她在头顶上打了个松松的发髻。

    She wore her hair loosely knotted on top of her head .

  9. 小心搬动那椅子——有一条腿松了。

    Easy with that chair ─ one of its legs is loose .

  10. 她把皮带松松地系在腰上。

    She fastened the belt loosely around her waist .

  11. 我来把你的枕头拍松。

    Let me fluff up your pillows for you .

  12. 我们需要再松一松绳子。

    We need more play in the rope .

  13. 腰围可松可紧适合任何尺码。

    The waist expands to fit all sizes .

  14. 系船的绳子松了。

    The rope holding the boat loosened .

  15. 绳子突然松了。

    The rope suddenly went slack .

  16. 他的领带扯松了,领口也敞着。

    His tie was pulled loose and his collar hung open .

  17. 这个消息会让法国当局大大松一口气。

    The news will come as a great relief to the French authorities

  18. 杰茜卡微微松了口气,坐到了椅子上。

    Jessica settled into her chair with a small sigh of relief .

  19. 看到他脸上现出孩子气的笑容,她总算松了口气。

    She was relieved to see his face light up with a boyish grin

  20. 该国的政界人士均已松了口气。

    The country 's politicians are already heaving a collective sigh of relief .

  21. 听见前门砰的一声关上了,我松了一口气。

    I was relieved to hear the front door slam

  22. 我眼镜上有一个螺丝松了。

    A screw had worked loose from my glasses .

  23. 我们在松树林中穿行了很久。

    We took a long walk through the pines .

  24. 他的条纹领带松松地挂在脖子上。

    His striped tie was loosened at his throat .

  25. 松一松插销,好转动门闩。

    Loosen the bolt so the bars can be turned

  26. 一群人冷不防地冒出来,跑来跑去地拍松垫子,这把她吓坏了。

    She panics when people pop in unexpectedly , rushing round plumping cushions .

  27. 支撑杆疯狂地震动,将排气管都震松了。

    The prop shaft vibrated like mad and shook the exhaust mounting loose .

  28. 他刚一松开手就缓缓向后倒下。

    He just released his hold and toppled slowly backwards

  29. 将土耙松,把种子种在土里,然后轻轻地盖上土。

    Rake the soil , press the seed into it , then cover it lightly

  30. 宣布婚约让我们松了一口气。

    Announcing our engagement was a relief .